PIX certification
PIX is the certification tool for digital skills.
It is based on the European DIGCOMP competence framework.
Many companies have already partnered with PIX to assess the skills of their employees.
The PIX certification will therefore constitute a valuable element of the CV in the same way as a language certification.
PIX is :
- 16 competences grouped in 5 domains, and assessable on 6 levels (eventually 8):
One level for one skill = 8 pix
Maximum number of Pix you can get so far :
16 skills * 6 levels offered * 8 pix = 768 Pix
- A positioning platform :
It allows anyone who wishes to do so to self-assess their digital skills for free.
PIX offers a variety of online activities, from finding information to making changes to downloaded files.
A website to prepare: (https://pix.fr/)
It also determines a level achieved in positioning, which is used as a basis for determining the exercises offered. This is the Pix profile, which indicates the level achieved for each skill.
During the certification process, you will be asked questions based on this profile.
If you have reached level 5 in a skill, you will be asked a few questions at level 4 and then level 5 if you are successful and then level 6 ....
Given the time available (1h45) a student without a good positioning profile will not be able to validate the highest levels of competence even if he/she has an excellent level.
- A certification platform :
The University of Avignon is a candidate to become a certifying institution. It will then organise certification sessions allowing students to validate their level of mastery of digital skills. A user who has passed all the tests in all the skill areas will eventually be able to achieve a global score of 1024 pix (when the 8 skill levels are available).
Avignon University should offer certification sessions from January 2022.
- Preparing for certification :
2 OEUs are used to prepare for the certification.
They take place in both odd and even-numbered semesters, and are offered independently and by distance learning.
Each student will have to complete a number of online activities (information retrieval exercises, programming, document production, etc.).
There will be 7 courses to complete for each WEU. The objective of these WEUs is to allow you to accumulate experience and reach the highest possible ranking.
- Pass the PIX certification
The University will organise regular certification sessions from January 2022. The dates and practical arrangements for registration will be communicated in November or December 2021.
These conditions are linked to the material capacity to organise sessions, and to the interest for the student to have a certification. The two most important situations are access to the labour market or access to training (master in general)
For this reason, the following criteria have been established:
Priority is given to:
- Students with a sufficiently high level of positioning (level 5 on average in all skill areas) and enrolled in L3 and M1/M2
- Students who have taken the two PIX
There will be a maximum of 400 places offered in 2021-2022
Contact: pix@univ-avignon.fr

Mis à jour le 22 December 2022