Third doctorate ceremony for Avignon University

On 24 May 2024, Avignon Université held its third doctorate ceremony on the Hannah Arendt campus. This ceremony was an opportunity for the doctors who defended their thesis in 2022 and 2023 to bring their academic career to a close in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Around thirty PhDs from the classes of 2022 and 2023 came to this unifying event.

The ceremony began with inaugural speeches by the President of Avignon University, Georges Linarès, and the Vice-President for Research, Gaëlle Mesgouez.

Yezekael Hayel, Director of Doctoral School 536, Magali Rault, Director of the Collège des Études Doctorales (CED) and Johnny Douvinet, Director of Doctoral School 537, presented the young PhD students with their diplomas.

This event was an opportunity to showcase the diversity and excellence of the research carried out by doctoral students in the Avignon Université research laboratories.

As was the case two years ago, this ceremony highlighted the richness and diversity of the students' backgrounds through a variety of testimonials. Antoine Grandperrin, a doctor from the class of 2020 and lecturer at the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Experimental Physiology (LaPEC), Pierre Baby, a doctoral student in ecotoxicology and entomology at the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (IMBE), and Hussam Shaiban, a doctor in life sciences (class of 2022) shared their experiences as doctoral students in their fields of research.

Pierre Baby, finalist in the "My Thesis in 180 seconds" 2024 competition, presented his thesis to a captivated audience.

The doctors, accompanied by their families, thesis supervisors and laboratory directors were delighted to be able to take part in the ceremony, which ended with a convivial cocktail party in the university gardens.