The geodata real estate partnership chair (GIF) has put a simulator online dedicated to the "zero net artificialisation" (ZAN) objective.
The GIF Chair at Avignon University is pleased to announce the launch of its simulator dedicated to the territorialisation of the Zero Net Artificialisation objective. This tool, which can be accessed online free of charge, shows that the territorialisation of efforts to reduce the consumption of space is essential if we are to achieve the objectives set by the Climate and Resilience Act. The tool answers the following question: what would happen if local authorities with large reserves of hectares to build on were to cede them to those for whom the ZAN is particularly restrictive?
The simulator was developed in response to the growing complexity of the territorialisation mechanism as set out in the various legislative texts. At a time when the metropolitan regions are drawing up their respective territorialisation proposals, this simulator is a tool for reflecting on the possibilities offered by the territorialisation mechanism. The simulator is based on a calculation, for each municipality in mainland France, of the difference between the number of hectares of buildable land it has for the decade and the number of hectares it could be required to consume if it continued to develop in the same way as it did in the previous decade. The simulator then redistributes the hectares according to criteria chosen by the users. Developed between October 2023 and March 2024, this theoretical simulator for territorialising the ZAN objective was designed for research purposes by Arthur Delaborde, a research engineer at the GIF (Geodata Immobilier Foncier) Chair, and Rémi Delattre, a doctoral student at Avignon University (UMR CNRS 7300 ESPACE) and a member of the GIF Chair. It uses data supplied by the national artificialisation observatory. The calculation of future land consumption is based on a model developed in Rémi Delattre's doctoral thesis.
The simulator allows you to adjust the following characteristics:
- Scales for setting targets for reducing the consumption of space (EPCI, SCOT, Département, Region)
- Different versions of ZAN
- Number of hectares redistributed
- Redistribution methods
The results of the simulations can be viewed and downloaded in the form of histograms, maps and data tables. They are theoretical and do not prejudge the political choices made in the various regions, nor do they commit the partners of the GIF Chair.
The simulator is available at the following address: Documentation makes it easy to learn.
GIF Chair - Geodata Real Estate
The GIF chair within which this simulator has been developed is a research partnership structure. It brings together academics (Avignon University, UMR CNRS ESPACE) and professional partners interested in the research and who contribute to its funding: Adéquation, CEREMA, Meilleurs Agents-Se Loger, Union sociale pour l'habitat and Réseau National des EPF d'État. It is also supported by two institutional partners: the SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region and the DGALN of the Ministry for Spatial Planning and Ecological Transition.

With around ten members (teacher-researchers, doctoral students, post-doctoral students and engineers), the main aim of the Geodata Immobilier Foncier (GIF) chair is to analyse the land and property markets in a bottom-up, decompartmentalised way using quantitative geolocalised microdata, on a national scale and for all types of players in the land and property markets. More specifically, it is investigating 4 themes:
- The behaviour of different categories of buyer and their consequences in terms of the emergence of local sub-markets (demand analysis) ;
- The choice of location for property developments (analysis of supply) ;
- The profile of owners and their impact on local land and property markets (analysis of (multiple) ownership);
- Estimating the value of real estate assets held by different categories of owner (asset analysis)
Mis à jour le 20 February 2025