Subjects taught

  • Algebra 1 (L1 Mathematics-Computing Portal, Mathematics-Physics Portal)
  • Mathematical bases for Geography (L1 Geografy, CMI)
  • Mathematics: Large Functions (TDs) (L1 Chemistry-SVT Portal)
  • Colles Mathématiques Licence-Prépa Mathématiques - first year
  • Probability, Statistics, L2 Computer Science
  • UE Mathematical Culture, L2 Humanities
  • WEU Defence and Security
  • UEO Math en Jean (creation 2020-21)


Laboratory or team

UPR 2151 LMA - Mathematics Laboratory

Component and department

CER Mathematics
Institute of Agrosciences, Environment and Health

Research topics

  • Dynamic systems (Anosov systems)
  • Lorentzian geometry


Biography :

  • Since 2008: Professor at the University of Avignon
  • 2005: Habilitation to direct research: "From hyperbolic to globally hyperbolic", Claude Bernard University, Lyon
  • 2002-2006: ACI "geometric structures and black holes" project leader
  • 1994-1997: CNRS research fellow at the Topology Laboratory, University of Burgundy
  • 1992: PhD, "Transverse geometry of Anosov flows", ENS Lyon, under the supervision of Etienne Ghys
  • 1991-1992: Lecturer at the ENS Lyon (Ecole Normale Supérieure)
  • 1987-1991: student at ENS Lyon
Administrative responsibilities:
  • Defence and Security Officer for the University of Avignon
  • Elected member of the CFVU of the University of Avignon
  • Director of Studies and Head of L1 Mathematics
Curriculum Vitae of Thierry BARBOT (with list of publications)