Subjects taught
General physics.Structure(s)
Laboratory or team
UMR 1114 EMMAH - Mediterranean Environment and Modelling of Agrohydrosystems
Component and department
Physics Department
Institute of Agrosciences, Environment and Health
Research topics
Solving inverse problems. Application to the non-destructive characterisation of complex media.
Biography :
- 2014-2016 : ATER, Physics Department - UMR1114 EMMAH, University of Avignon
- 2013-2014: Post-Doctoral student, École Supérieure d'Electricité - Electromagnetism Department, Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S)
- 2009-2012: Doctoral student, Aix-Marseille University - Institut Fresnel (UMR 7249 FRESNEL)
Mis à jour le 24 September 2024