Subjects taught

  • Introduction to linguistics
  • Languages, identities and migration
  • Applied Linguistics in Education
  • Intercultural approach
  • WEU International
  • French for specific purposes
  • Schooling for non-French speaking children
  • Language teaching in primary schools
  • Introduction to FLE
  • Integration, languages and social networking.


Laboratory or team

UPR 4277 ICTT - Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory

Component and department

Department of Linguistics and French as a Foreign Language
UFR Arts, Letters and Languages

Research topics

The central theme of my research activities is contact with the other, whatever the degree of otherness, as well as all the phenomena that govern this type of interaction. Thus, I have focused on everything related to integration (vs/assimilation and segregation), immigration and insertion and, consequently, to the various modalities of language learning (FLE, ALPHA, etc.), whether on the side of the trainer or the learner. Indeed, for both protagonists of this type of interaction, the respective understanding will pass through the prism of the triptych languages/representations/identity. I therefore see my work as a trans-disciplinary and rather empirical approach to the whole range of language phenomena that affect an individual or a social group; an approach that is generally described as "interactional sociolinguistics".


Publications of L BIICHLE

Further information