Subjects taught

Evolutionary biology Zoology Methods of fauna inventories Biology of pests and crop protection agents Animal development Ecology Environmental sciences


Laboratory or team

UMR 7263 IMBE - Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology EECAR

Component and department

Biology Department
UFR Sciences, Technologies, Health

Research topics

Influence of global changes (climatic, cultural) on pest management and biodiversity in agroecosystems.



Moiroux JBoivin G & Brodeur J. Ovigeny index increases with temperature in an aphid parasitoid: early reproduction is better when it is hot. Journal of Insect Physiology. Moiroux JChesnais Q, Spicher F, Verrier E, Ameline A. & Couty A. 2018. Plant virus infection influences bottom-up regulation of a plant-aphid-parasitoid system. Journal of Pest Science, 91: 361-372. Moiroux Jvan Baaren J, Couty A, Eslin P, Poyet M & Le Roux V. 2017. Response of life history traits to artificial and natural selection for virulence and non-virulence in a Drosophila parasitoid, Asobara tabida. Insect Science, 25: 317-327. Abram PK, Boivin G, Moiroux J & Brodeur J 2017. Behavioural effects of temperature on ectothermic animals: unifying thermal physiology and behavioural plasticity. Biological Reviews, 92: 1859-1876. Moiroux JAbram PK, Louâpre P, Brodeur J & Boivin G. 2016. Influence of temperature on patch residence time in parasitoids: Physiological and behavioural mechanisms. The Science of Nature, 103: 1-10. Moiroux JBoivin G & Brodeur J. 2015. Temperature influences host-instar selection in an aphid parasitoid: support for the relative fitness rule. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 115: 792-801. Moiroux JBrodeur J & Boivin G. 2014. Sex ratio variations with temperature in an egg parasitoid: behavioural adjustment and physiological constraint. Animal Behaviour, 91: 61-66.