Subjects taught
Sociology of public action, analysis of public and social policies Political sociology of Europe Social science methodsStructure(s)
Laboratory or team
UPR 3788 -JPEG - Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory
Component and department
UFR Law, Economics, Management
Research topics
Sociology of electoral political behaviour Sociology of local political spaces Sociology of ordinary relationships with politics Sociology of professional relations
- Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- [With G. Gourgues, A. Mazeaud, H. Nez, J. Talpin], "Do the French want more democracy? Analyse qualitative du rapport des citoyens à la politique", Sociology, 2021, 12 (1), pp.1-19.
- "La démocratie participative au secours du paternalisme des élus. On the political uses of a participatory budget", Shareholdings2020/2, n°26-27, p.77-103.
- "Understanding citizens' lack of interest in participation: a future project", Shareholdings, no. 16, 2016, p. 267-283.
- [with G. Gourgues], "La négociation d'entreprise au piège du référendum. Les enseignements des nouveaux accords des usines Fiat (2010-2011)", Sociology of work, n°57, 3, 2015, p.344-368.
- "Le territoire dans la formation du jugement politique. The need for electoral sociology and geography to complement each other", Political space, n°23, 2014 :
- Chapters in collective works
- "Ecological Approaches to Voting: Renewing and Updating a Classic of Electoral Analysis", in T. Frinault, C. Le Bart, E.Neveu, A new political sociology of FranceParis, Armand Colin, 2021, p.189-200.
- [With G. Gourgues, V. Lebrou], "Was steckt hinter den "partizipativen Listen"? Analyseelemente aus dem französischen Kommunalwahlkampf 2020", in Deutsch-Französiches Institut, Frankreich Jahrbuch 2020Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021, p.159-177.
- [With G. Gourgues], "Trade unionism and industrial relations in Italy", in D. Andolfatto, S. Contrepois (eds.), Trade unionism and industrial relations in EuropeBrussels, Peter Lang, 2016.
- "Citizen's views on the presidential election, Being governed in the 21st centuryème centuryParis, Academia, L'Harmattan, 2013, p. 341-367.
- Articles in non-refereed journals, working papers
- [With G. Gourgues, V. Lebrou], "L'essor des listes participatives. Around the 2020 municipal election campaign", The life of ideas [online magazine], 31 March 2020
- [With C. Lagier ], "Avignon, an isolated island in a frontist département? Metropolicies [online review], 12 May 2017 :
- [With C. Lagier], "Sur le Front d'Avignon. Some lessons from the 2015 regional elections", The life of ideas [online review], 21 March 2017:
- [With G. Gourgues], "La décentralisation s'intéresse-t-elle au dialogue social territorial", Local authorities, n°99, December 2013-January 2014, p.70-73.
- "The PCF between local roots and national decline: the case of Échirolles", Metropolicies [online review], 18 April 2012:
- [With G. Gourgues], "Can participatory democracy convince people to take part? Analyse d'une enquête par sondage", Proceedings of the study day on "The effects of participation"., 22 February 2012:
- Disseminating research :
- [with G. Gourgues, A. Mazeaud, M. Nonjon], "L'État participatif, sans la démocratie", Mediapart guest blogMarch 16, 2020.
- [with G. Gourgues], "Référendum" à Air France: le sacre des hors-la-loi", L'Humanité, 2 May 2018.
- [with G. Gourgues], "Le référendum d'entreprise, une arme patronale contre la négociation collective", Fighting fields [digital newspaper], 27 January 2016.
Mis à jour le 24 September 2024