Subjects taught

Solution chemistry, electrochemistry, life cycle analysis, experimental design, formulation.


Laboratory or team

UMR_A 408 SQPOV - Safety and Quality of Plant Products

Component and department

Chemistry Department
Institute of Agrosciences, Environment and Health (AgES)

Research topics

Eco extraction.


Biography : Lecturer at the University of Avignon since 2000. Researcher in the Eco-Extraction of Natural Products Research Group headed by Professor Farid Chemat. Scientific coordinator of the joint University-Industry laboratory ORTESA (Optimisation and Research in Extraction Technology and Alternative Solvents) within the NATUREX company, as part of the ANR-LabCom project (2013-2016). Head of the physics and chemistry degree course at the University of Avignon from 2008 to 2013. Responsible for the implementation and scientific coordination of the Master's degree programmes in Agrosciences at the University of Avignon from 2012 to 2014. Head of the Food Production Engineering CMI speciality at the University of Avignon from 2012 to 2014. Chair of the Physics and Chemistry degree jury from 2008 to 2014. Chairwoman of the University of Avignon diploma jury from 2008 to 2014. Participation in and coordination of work packages: ANR (LabCom 2013-2016), Europe (Alcotra 2011-2013), ANR ALID project (Tempamtiox 2008-2011). Publications: 1 book, 8 book chapters, 40 articles, 50 conferences and poster presentations. Technology transfer: 6 patents and industrial contracts that have led to a transfer of know-how and an industrial application. Organisation of 2 international conferences and a European summer school. Research networks: Société Chimique de France (SCF), Envrionmental Lifecycle & Sustainability Assessment (ELSA). Supervision: 2 theses in progress, 6 theses defended, 2 post-doctoral internships, 24 M1 and M2 interns. Publications :