Subjects taught

  • Linguistics
  • Teaching FLE / FLS


Laboratory or team

UPR 4277 ICTT - Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory

Component and department

Department of Linguistics and French as a Foreign Language
UFR Arts, Letters and Languages

Research topics

  • Variation and variability in spoken French
  • Perception of linguistic variation
  • Teaching/learning to speak in FLE
  • Acquisition of phraseological skills in L2
  • Implicit and explicit knowledge in L2 acquisition



Biography :

  • Since 2020: Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Didactics of FLE (University of Avignon)
  • 2008-2020: Senior lecturer in the Department of Linguistics and Didactics of FLE (University of Avignon)
  • Publications : Publications of Anika FALKERT

Further information

External links : Vice-President of the Association française d'études canadiennes (AFEC), https://www.afec33.asso.fr Member of GIS Real2, https://real.cnrs.fr Member of the "Francophonies" network, https://www.unige.ch/francophonies/index.php/propos