Mot clé : thesis defence

[Thesis defense] 02/05/2024 - Dalia Youssef : "The brand and the durability of a festival: a comparative study between the Alexandria Short Film Festival in Egypt and the Avignon Festival in France." (UMR ESPACE-DEV)

Research news

17 April 2024

Date and place Examination scheduled for Thursday 02 May 2024 at 13:30Location: Avignon Université - Campus Hannah Arendt 74 rue Pasteur, 84000 AvignonRoom: The thesis room [...].

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[Thesis defense] 25/04/2024 - Imen BEN-AMOR, "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain"(LIA)

Research news

17 April 2024

Thesis title: "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain" Date and place Expected [...]

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[PhD defence] 23/04/2024 - Sara BOSSHARDT: "Understanding and providing tools for farmers to take into account the multidimensional performance of integrated diversified systems: the case study of orchards grazed by hens" (INRAE)

Research news

10 April 2024

Title of thesis Understanding and providing tools for farmers to take account of the multidimensional performance of integrated diversified systems: the case study of orchards [...].

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[PhD defence] 10/04/2024 - Léo ROCHER: "Identification of vegetation parameters favouring beneficial arthropods and associated ecological functions in viticulture: a correlative and experimental approach" (IMBE)

Research news

8 April 2024

Title of thesis "Identification of vegetation parameters favouring beneficial arthropods and associated ecological functions in viticulture: a correlative and experimental approach" Date and place [...] Defended [...]

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[Thesis defence] 29/03/2024, Cédric Dresch: "Energy saving in indoor agriculture: study of the effects of changes in photoperiod on agronomic parameters and the pre- and post-harvest physiology of lettuces".

Research news

19 March 2024

Title of thesis: "Saving energy in indoor agriculture: study of the effects of changes in photoperiod on agronomic parameters and the pre- and post-harvest physiology of [...]".

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[PhD defence] 20/02/2024, Florian CAJOT: "Modelling water transfer in soil in the presence of amphiphilic materials: Application to the rhizosphere".

Research news

23 February 2024

Titre de la thèse « Modélisation du transfert hydrique dans le sol en présence de matières amphiphiles : Application à la rhizosphère » Date et lieu Soutenance prévue le vendredi 01 mars […]

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[Dissertation defence] 05/02/2024, Jean-Pierre DELHOMMEL: "Heritage labels and the illusion of Pornic, a seaside town in Loire-Atlantique".

Research news

29 January 2024

Titre de la thèse Labels patrimoniaux et illusion Pornic, cité balnéaire en Loire-Atlantique Date et lieu Soutenance prévue le lundi 05 février 2024 à 13h30Lieu : Avignon Université Campus Hannah […]

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[Thesis defence] 02/02/24, Thomas Breniere: "Impact of genotype-practice interactions on the content and sequestration of carotenoids in plant matrices and on the associated health effects. - Case study of two Solanaceae species".

Research news

23 January 2024

Titre de la thèse Impact des interactions génotype-pratique sur la teneur et la séquestration des caroténoïdes dans les matrices végétales et sur les effets santé associés. – Cas d’étude sur […]

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[Dissertation defence] 23/01/2024, Noémie Févrat: "Le 'mandat de trop'? The re-election of members of parliament and mayors in France and the conditions for calling it into question".

Research news

18 January 2024

Titre de la thèse Le « mandat de trop » ? La réélection des parlementaires et des maires en France et les conditions de sa remise en cause Date et lieu Mardi […]

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[Dissertation defense] 18/01/2024, Noé Cécillon : "Combining graphs and text to model conversations: Application to online abuse detection".

Research news

15 January 2024

Soutenance de thèse - 18/01/2024, Noé Cécillon : "Combinaison des graphes et du texte pour la modélisation de conversations: Application à la détection d'abus en ligne"

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