Mot clé : Midisciences

[Midisciences] 18 April: "The end of plastic? What's next?" by Gilles Perez, Chemical Engineer at Danone packaging

11 April 2024

Date and venue: 18/04/2024 from 1 pm to 2 pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, [...]

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[Midisciences] 11 April: "Is the grass always greener elsewhere? The effects of the return of wild horses (Equus ferus przewalski) to the Mongolian steppe" by Clémentine Mutillod (IMBE)

3 April 2024

Date and venue: 11/04/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, [...]

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[Midisciences] 4 April: "Spin trapping: the hunt for free radicals" by Béatrice Tuccio-Larricella

29 March 2024

Date and venue: 04/04/2024 from 1 pm to 2 pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, [...]

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[Midisciences] 28 March: "Climate change and agriculture. Recent developments, expected impacts and strategies for adaptation and mitigation" by Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri.

19 March 2024

Date and venue: 28/03/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, [...]

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[Midisciences] "Comparison of canopy structure between mixed and monospecific forests using terrestrial LiDAR" by Charlie Teurnier

15 March 2024

Date and venue: 21/03/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free entry, For non-members of Avignon Université, [...]

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[Midisciences] "Environmental changes and territories" by Johnny Douvinet (ESPACE)

5 March 2024

Date and venue: 14/03/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, room 2E01 Live on Canal U Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, please contact us.

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[Midisciences] "How to break the invisibility of cancers of occupational and environmental origin? Multidisciplinary action research (GISCOPE 84)" by Moritz Hunsmann

15 February 2024

On 22 February, Moritz Hunsmann, sociology research fellow at the CNRS and co-director of the Scientific Interest Group on Occupational and Environmental Cancers in the Vaucluse (GISCOPE 84), will be hosting a Midisicence on the theme: "HOW TO BREAK THE INVISIBILITY OF CANCERS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ORIGIN? A MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH-ACTION (GISCOPE 84)".

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[Midisciences] Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri: "Climate change and viticulture. Recent developments, expected impacts and adaptation strategies".

5 February 2024

Date and venue: 15/02/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, room 2E01 Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, please indicate your presence in advance.

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[Midisciences 2024] Discover the full programme

News Research news

1 February 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Midisciences will resume from 1ᵉʳ February 2024. The Midisciences are short popular science lectures aimed at [...]

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[MidiSciences] Benoit Rossignol: "What role did volcanoes play in Roman history? An environmental history study".

22 January 2024

Date and venue: 08/02/2024 - 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, 2E01 On 8 February 2024, the second Midiscience of the year will take place, presented by Benoit [...].

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