Mot clé : campus

Workshops to make hot water bottles and hygiene products

News Campus News

18 March 2024

Following the distribution of free menstrual kits, the university is offering two workshops during Environment Week on the 2 campuses: The workshops will take place, by registration only, on the campus [...].

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Citizen and community involvement week

Monday 2 October - Citizen Involvement Day on the Hannah Arendt campus Civic service, volunteering, first aid and citizen reserves (armed forces, fire brigade, national police force, gendarmerie, etc.) Tuesday [...]

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Concert by the Orchestre National Avignon Provence

News Campus News

12 September 2023

Thursday 21 September 2023 at 12.30pm: University, opening of the University's cultural season (concert in the Great Hall) The historic partnership between the Université d'Avignon and the Orchestre national Avignon-Provence is [...].

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Recruiting students for the new academic year

Mission: To welcome and support new students at the start of the 2023 academic year, which will take place from 1 to 8 September 2023. Applications to be sent before 30 June 2023 by e-mail. [...]

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