Digital responsibility

Pampering our equipment!

Digital is practical, but it also has an impact on the environment.
At Avignon Université, we are making our equipment last and simplifying its use to reduce our ecological footprint.

The information below is taken from the Operational Information Systems Department catalogue, which can be accessed internally:

Personal computers

In view of the ever-increasing performance and reliability of computers, and the need to move towards more environmentally-friendly models, we have decided to extend the replacement period for computers from 2022 to :

  • 8 years old for desktop computers,
  • 7 years old for laptops.

We also offer users the option of postponing the replacement of their workstation until 2 additional yearswhich, in theory, means a maximum operating life of 10 years for fixed stations and 9 years old for mobile phones.

End-of-life equipment that cannot be donated to staff, students or associations is disposed of in compliance with European directives.

Mobile telephony

Avignon Université wishes to minimise its environmental footprint by managing its equipment responsibly. The following rules are therefore applied:

  • The equipment chosen must have a minimum service life of four years.
  • During these first four years of useIn the event of a breakdown, the appliance must be repaired as long as the cumulative costs incurred do not exceed its initial purchase cost.
  • Once this four years The appliance should continue to be used as long as it continues to perform adequately without needing repair.


E-mails may be digital, but they consume resources, like everything else that is virtual.
They also emit CO₂, and the quantity emitted depends mainly on the volume of data transmitted, and therefore on the number and size of e-mails.

It is therefore essential to pay attention to the size of your messages before sending them, especially when they are addressed to a mailing list with a large number of subscribers.

For example, sending an image or a PDF of 200 or 300 KB can quickly generate several hundred MB of transmitted data.

A few best practices for limiting the size of e-mails :

  • Staying sober Keep messages short and clear, while being respectful of the people you are talking to (avoid cluttering up their inbox unnecessarily).
  • Avoid large attachments For large volumes of information, use a service other than email, such as the FileSenderavailable in your Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT), tab Tools.
  • Signatures without image They should not contain any visual elements (logos, images) that would result in attachments. Depending on the type of message, here are a few recommendations:
    • Message internal format Text + signature in Text.
    • Message external format HTML + signature in accordance with the recommendations of the communications department.
    • Settings : SHARE > Preferences > Signatures.
  • Mail format (Text/HTML) HTML format allows a richer layout but generates a heavier message.
  • Quoting messages When replying to an e-mail, it is possible to choose whether or not to include the content of the message received.