Steering and Continuous Improvement Department


Management organisation chart

data and management support division

Manager: Chloé Viaux

  • Supporting, developing, proposing and distributing management dashboards to governance and the various decision-making levels (internal structure management), in particular through the deployment of the decision-making information system (SID).
  • To produce, monitor and analyse the indicators needed to assess the school's progress and performance in relation to its strategic orientations (evaluation indicators, self-assessment indicators, contracts, etc.) and to respond to external requests.
  • Deploying forecasting and management control models
  • Carry out surveys, particularly among students, to assess the school's performance

Management Control carries out, analyses and distributes indicators concerning resources of the university on a regular basis (dashboards of teaching hours, cost accounting) or on an ad hoc basis (on request for specific subjects)

He is working on data reliability analysing any process malfunctions with the Process and Continuous Improvement Department.

It participates in the implementation of thehelp in managing resources in collaboration with the university's various departments (OSE, SID, etc.). It helps the community to get to grips with them.


It carries out surveys on the positioning of L1 students at the end of the semester: profile, choice of course, career plans, difficulties encountered, and surveys on L1 students not re-enrolled at AU at N+1 in order to ensure student traceability and work on territorial coordination.

It updates an annual mapping of new bachelors enrolled at Avignon University.

It produces a training dashboard analysis over several years of student numbers by level, subject and success indicators.

OFIP carries out studies and surveys on all the institution's students and graduates.

It produces, analyses and distributes professional integration surveys of graduates d'Avignon University and produces a directory of professions based on these surveys.

process and continuous improvement division

Manager: Nathalie Baude

  • Supporting and leading the continuous improvement process
  • Support in controlling and optimising processes, in particular through dematerialisation and change management, particularly as part of the university's major projects
  • Support for risk analysis and management (risk mapping, progress action plan, monitoring and evaluation of progress actions, etc.)
  • Assessing the control of the institution's operations through audit assignments

Internal Control supports the school's divisions and components in their efforts to improve and/or transform their processes with a view to user satisfaction.

It offers a method and tools for mapping and modelling processes, identifying and assessing the strategic and operational risks associated with these processes, and drawing up progress action plans as part of a participative approach involving all stakeholders.

It deploys communication and training initiatives with staff to ensure that the culture of continuous improvement is more fully embraced internally.


The audit assesses the extent to which the institution's processes are properly controlled, to ensure that they guarantee the achievement of the organisation's objectives. It questions the internal control system through temporary, one-off assignments based on an annual or multi-year audit plan.

Audits are carried out on the basis of objective factual analyses of processes, corroborated by tests. The auditor produces reports and makes recommendations. The auditor monitors the progress made in response to these recommendations and assesses their appropriateness and timeliness.


Avignon University
Hannah Arendt Campus
North building, ground floor west
74 rue Louis Pasteur
84000 Avignon


Management: Clotilde SAVARIT

E-mails :


Access to the SID (🔐)
Access to the FAQ OSE

Studies in progress at OFIP

October Launch of the L3 fate surveys
November Launch of L1 surveys
December launch of IP surveys (LP and Masters)

January: mapping of new bachelors
June - September : publication of results

Find the results of the surveys on the OFIP page