The primary mission of a university is to produce and disseminate knowledge - and this is something that Avignon Université does brilliantly, but we sometimes know very little about what goes on in our own laboratories... This newsletter should help us to share the highlights of the institution's scientific life, the results of researchers' work and also the rich news of the services that support them. It is therefore both a tool for researchers and a place to promote their work.
This first edition comes at a time when social distancing is essential and we run the risk of a slowdown in exchanges, whereas the circulation and confrontation of ideas are at the heart of scientific activity... but research continues, in our minds and in our laboratories. This newsletter should also help to spread the word.
Launch of the Implanteus University Research School
The Implanteus University Research School (EUR) has opened its doors for the start of the 2020 academic year.
The International Master's programme in Agricultural Sciences (IMAS) is a new course in the Master's programme in Agricultural, Food and Nutrition Sciences and Technology (STA2E). Courses are taught in English. For this first year, eight M2 students from Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon and France have been recruited.
In the short term, EUR should have around thirty students in its IMAS programme.
Your EUR contacts are Sylvie Fayard, Project Manager, and Malaury Boissier, International Development Officer, and Olivier Dangles, EUR Director.
Plateforme 3A brings together a set of shared facilities jointly managed by INRAE and Avignon University and comprises 3 separate platforms:
An Environmental Control Platform (ECP)
An Analytical Platform (AP) comprising 3 platforms (Metabolomics, Spectrometry and Microscopy)
A Platform for Animal and Human Physiology (PPAH)
The platform benefits from state-of-the-art equipment in the various specialities as well as high-level infrastructures in order to meet the challenges of scientific research and innovation.
The Platform is managed operationally by Olivier Chevallierrecruited as project manager and supported by Simon Raynalwhich provides logistical and technical support for the equipment. The team is responsible for its scientific management (analysis and maintenance planning) and for promoting it to public and private research bodies and the socio-economic world. The platform also benefits from the support of Maud Albisson for financial management.
Research projects
Result of the ANR 2020 generic call for projects
Six projects led by Avignon Université researchers have been selected following the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) generic call for projects for 2020. The 2020 success rate of 33.33% is a remarkable performance compared with the 2019 edition (17.39%).
Distinction: appointment of Paola Ranzini as a member of the IUF
Paola Ranzini, Professor of Theatre Studies (section CNU 18) at Avignon University, has been a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) since 1 October 2020.
Welcoming international researchers and doctoral students
Avignon University is a EURAXESS Local Contact Point and a member of the Euraxess France association. The EURAXESS Researchers in Motion network is a European Commission initiative launched in 2004 to facilitate the mobility of researchers in Europe.
Clément Dezord is a doctoral student in Physical Sciences at the EMMAH (Mediterranean Environment and Modelling of Agro-Hydrosystems) - UMR 1114. He is working on the development of a measuring instrument at the surface site of the Rustrel Low Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB). For him, "the thesis remains an extraordinary adventure", despite a "path strewn with pitfalls", which give "the opportunity to enrich oneself".
October 2020
Marilyn Nicoud is a professor of history specialising in the history of medicine and health in the medieval period. At the start of this academic year, she was much in demand in the media to explain the links between the Covid-19 epidemic and pandemics of the past.
September 2020
Serigne Gueye is a Senior Lecturer and HDR (Habilité à Diriger les Recherches) at the University of Paris. Avignon University Computer Science Laboratory (LIA).
He specialises in operational research into the solution of combinatorial optimisation problems and their applications. In his portrait, he shares with us one of his achievements: work combining optimisation of the location of activities in an urban area and multi-agent simulation using the MatSim tool.
Doctoral Schools
Upcoming thesis defences
Tuesday 24 November - Cyril SAHUC - LIA
Thursday 26 November - Aimeric AGAOUA - GAFL (INRAE)
Thursday 17 December - Antoine GRANDPERRIN - LaPEC
Thursday 17 December - Marta ZAFFARONNI - PSH (INRAE)
Friday 15 January 2021 - Alexandra MARZIOU - LaPEC
Upcoming HDR* defences
Tuesday 8 December - Richard DUFOUR
Konstantinos CHALIKAKIS
*Habilitation to supervise research
Call for applications: "Eiffel" excellence scholarship programme
The new call for applications for the Eiffel Scholarship Programme is open for the 2021 campaign until midnight on Friday 8 January 2021.
The Eiffel scholarship programme is a tool developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to help French higher education establishments attract the best foreign students for master's and doctoral degree courses.
2 December 2020 : SIF Doctoral Students' Day - videoconferences
On 2 December 2020, the Société Informatique de France (SIF), in collaboration with SPECIF CAMPUS, is organising a day of videoconferences for PhD students, young PhDs and Master 2 students in computer science. The aim is to provide information and exchange ideas on how the skills acquired during a doctorate can be put to good use in a wide range of careers, and to provide an overview of the career opportunities available to young PhDs in computer science, in both the academic and industrial sectors.
On Canal U, more than thirty videos of MidiSciences popular science conferences are available, from 2017 to the present day. The latest, on 12/03/2020, was on "Sweeteners in food. A real sweetener for your health?" and was moderated by Sydney Risdon (LAPEC).
Find out more about regional CSTI activities, programmes and publications from those involved in scientific culture in the PACA region, on the Echosciences PACA website.
Information on development, partnerships and intellectual property
PACTE Act: Inventive step taken into account when granting patents
From 22 May 2020, all French patent applications must relate to a new invention, presenting an inventive step and capable of industrial application, for the patent to be granted at the end of the examination phase. The PACTE Act incorporated the inventive step criterion into article L. 612-12 of the French Intellectual Property Code, allowing the INPI to reject an application if this criterion is not met. Only patent applications filed on or after 22 May 2020 are affected by this criterion, with patent applications filed earlier continuing to be examined as before.
Taking account of the criterion of inventive step when granting patents helps to strengthen the quality, credibility and validity of patents, since lack of inventive step is the main reason for patents being annulled in court.
A model framework agreement for international cooperation was drawn up by the Maison de l'International and the Maison de la Recherche and, after submission to the SAJ, was approved by the Board of Governors of the Université d'Avignon on 7/07/2020.
It can now be used by both departments for any request for international cooperation with a foreign partner.
The 4 new innovation support schemes
Avignon Université has set up 4 innovation support schemes: the Passeport Innovation Entreprises business support programme; the opportunity for researchers to set up Business Units; the partnership chairs programme; and the coup de pouce young entrepreneurs project grant.
21 November & 28 November7.20pm: "Prioriterre" programmes on France 3
Presentation of the work of the members of the IMBE (Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology) at the IUT of Avignon University:
- Subject of the 21 : the use of harvester ants in the Crau for ecological restoration ;
- Subject of the 28th : the installation of green roofs at the IUT of Avignon. >> Replay to come here
8 December Symposium Agorantic Research Federation
Theme: "Robotics and Society: What does the future hold? >> Information and registration
The House of Research
The Maison de la Recherche supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.
>> House of Research
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