[Portrait] Corinne Fredouille, Computer Science Teacher and Researcher

What is your research about?
I work in the field of Automatic Speech Processing, mainly applied to the health sector. The aim of my research is to develop objective assessment tools for speech and voice disorders, for use by clinicians in their clinical assessment and therapeutic management of patients and their follow-up. These disorders can appear in the case of neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.), in the case of stroke or head and neck cancers.
What are your current scientific activities?

LIAVignonThe Artificial Intelligence Partnership Chair initiated by Jean-François Bonastre, and of which I am co-sponsor with Jean-François and Yannick Estève, was officially launched in November 2021. It is already bearing fruit since, in addition to the research activities planned internally in the chair with our industrial partners, several other collaborations are being set up (incipient collaboration with a Nantes start-up in the e-education sector, for example).
Why did you choose to work in academic research?
I came into academic research out of 'curiosity'.
Honestly, at the age of 23 I had no clear idea of what it consisted of in practice, especially in computer science. I stayed there because I had found my vocation thanks to a group of researchers from the LIA (they will recognize themselves!), who shared with me their "passion" for automatic natural language processing, for applied research in this field and for teaching.
What advice would you give to people who want to do research?
Before embarking on a PhD project, I advise them to take advantage of the Master's years (or equivalent) to exchange with researchers, permanent and (post) doctoral students, on their research work and the profession of researcher. I also advise them to do an internship beforehand in a research laboratory to get a feel for the work of a researcher in the field in question.
What object or image from your business best illustrates you?
The wordMy primary area of study is the human motor process, which is a characteristic of the human being. I remain fascinated by the complexity of the mechanisms involved (neurological, phonatory and articulatory), by its variability according to the speakers and by the compensatory processes that the human being is capable of setting up in case of motor dysfunction.

Review its MidiSciences
The laboratory
The LIA brings together about ~80 people including ~30 permanent researchers. It is part of the Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Informatique (CERI) which offers Bachelor and Master courses in Computer Science, both in traditional training and through apprenticeship.
The LIA is a member of the LABEX "Brain and Language Research Institute". It is also a founding member of the Carnot Institute "Cognition" and of the Convergences Institute "Language, Communication and Brain Institute".
>> More about the LIA
The portraits
Mis à jour le 22 December 2022