Subjects taught
Contemporary history.Structure(s)
Component and department
CER History
UFR Humanities and Social Sciences
Research topics
My research focuses on the political and cultural history of France from the nineteenth to the end of the twentieth century. My work focuses on the Left and power, the practices and cultures of secrecy in politics (conspiracies, clientelism and patronage, corruption), and more recently the links between nuclear energy and society (consent and rejection).
Biography :
- 1988: Agrégation in History
- 1988-1990: secondary school teacher
- 1990-1992: Lecturer at the University of Oviedo (Spain)
- 1992-1996: ATER at the University of Paris-X Nanterre
- 1995: Doctoral thesis. L'apparition du complot communiste en France (1917-1932): le pouvoir d'Etat et l'opinion publique face à la section française de la Troisième Internationale dans les années vingt, under the direction of J.-J. Becker, Université Paris-X Nanterre, 2 vols.
- 1996-2001: Lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis
- 2001- 2007: lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Avignon
- 2006: Dissertation for the habilitation to direct research. La politique en clair-obscur: espace public, secret, demandes privées en France (années 1880- années 1930), under the direction of Ch. Prochasson, EHESS, 3 vols. Volume 1: Synthèse des travaux et perspectives de recherche; volume 2: La politique des plaintes. Edouard Daladier et la crise des clientélismes radicaux (1912-1940); Volume 3: Published works.
- Since 2008: Professor at the University of Avignon
- From 2010 to 2023: Researcher at the Norbert Elias Centre (UMR 8562, CNRS, University of Avignon, EHESS, AMU).
- 2018-2019 and 2019-2020: CNRS delegation (50%) at the Mediterranean Sociology Laboratory, LAMES (UMR 7305, CNRS AMU)
- Since 2021: Associate researcher at MESOPOLHIS (UMR CNRS 7064)
- Since 2022: Associate researcher with the GREEPIC research group (power, institutions and corruption in contemporary times) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Personal works
- Conspiracy in the Republic. Strategies of secrecy from Boulanger to the CagouleParis, La Découverte, "L'Espace de l'Histoire", 1998, 339p.
- The twentiesParis, Livre de Poche, "La France contemporaine", 1999, 217p.
- The Popular FrontParis, La Découverte, "Repères", 2002, 123p.
- The politics of complaints. Clientelism and social demands in Edouard Daladier's Vaucluse (1890-1940)Paris, La Boutique de l'Histoire éditions, 2007, 405 p.
- Corruption and politics: nothing new? Paris, A. Colin, coll. "éléments de réponse/libertés de l'historien", 2011, 185 p.
-Léon Blum, morality and powerParis, A. Colin, "nouvelles biographies historiques", 2016, 283 p.
Editing of books and journal issues
-Politics and war. To understand the XXe siècle européen. Tribute to Jean-Jacques BeckerFrédéric Monier, with S. Audoin-Rouzeau, A. Becker, S. Coeuré, V. Duclert, Paris, Agnès Viénot/Noésis, 2002, 655p.
Plots and conspiracies in 18th-century Francee to the XXe century", Lez ValenciennesNo. 32, Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, 2003, 150p.
- A new look at the Spanish Civil War, Jean-Richard Bloch studies, Bulletin n°13, 2007, 271p.
- Politics from below. Private practices and public debates, 19th-20th centurieswith Jens Ivo Engels and Natalie Petiteau (eds.), Paris, A. Colin, 2012, 255p.
-A counter-history of the IIIe RepublicMarion Fontaine, Frédéric Monier and Christophe Prochasson (eds.), Paris, La Découverte, 2013, 400p.
-Corruption and its critics. Debates in Europe around 1900", Cahiers Jaurès, n° 209, 2013.
- Political patronage and corruption in contemporary Europewith Olivier Dard and Jens Ivo Engels (eds.), Paris, A. Colin, 2014, 288p.
- Scandals and corruption in contemporary timesine, with Olivier Dard, Jens Ivo Engels and Andreas Fahrmeir (eds.), Paris, A. Colin, 2014, 296 p.
- Krumme Touren in der Wirtschaft. Zur Geschichte ethischen Fehlverhaltens und seiner Bekämpfung, with J. I. Engels, A. Fahrmeir and O. Dard (eds.), München, Böhlau, 2015, 215p.
- Stadt, Macht, Korruptionwith Jens Ivo Engels, Andreas Fahrmeir, Cesare Mattina (eds.), Frankfurt, Frantz Steiner, 2017, 190p.
- Morality of power and corruption in France and Romania, 18th centurye-XXe centuries, with Silvia Marton and Olivier Dard (dir.), Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2017, 232p.
- Denouncing corruption. White knights, pamphleteers and promoters of transparency in contemporary timeswith Cesare Mattina, Olivier Dard and Jens Ivo Engels (eds.), Paris, Demopolis, 2018, 382p.
- With Gemma Rubi, "Corruption and political modernization in contemporary Europe", Ayer. Review of contemporary history, no. 115, 2019 (3), pp.11-157.
- L'argent des politiques: rémunération des élus et financement des partis en Europe vers 1900", Cahiers Jaurèsn°235-236, 2020, pp.3-104.
- History of transparency in politics and societywith Jens Ivo Engels (ed.), Göttingen, Vandenhoek § Ruprecht Unipress, 2020, 188p.
- Immoral money and war profiteers in contemporary timeswith Olivier Dard and Jens Ivo Engels (eds.), Brussels, P. Lang, 2020, 365p.
- Corruption, Empire and colonialism in the modern era: a global perspectivewith Ronald Kroeze and Pol Dalmau Palet (eds.), Basingstoke, Palgrave Mc Millan, "Palgrave series in comparative global history", 2021.
- Las sombras de la transparencia. Secrecy, corruption and the 'deep state' in contemporary Europewith Lluis Ferran Toledano, Joan Pubill and Gemma Rubi (eds.), Granada, Comares editorial, 2022, 270 p.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Henri Béraud's obsessions, Twentieth centuryn°40, 1993, p.62-74.
- A counter-revolutionary festival in Asturias at the end of the 18th centurye century", Review of Modern and Contemporary HistorySpain-Spain, XVe-XXe siècles", n°41-2, 1994, p.237-252.
- The crime of the communist worker: political uses of an imaginary plot", History of Justice, n°7, 1994, p.163-186.
- Public archives and State security, 1890-1940", Jean Jaurès quarterly issues, n°135, 1995, p.20- 27.
- With Sophie Coeuré and Gérard Naud, "Le retour de Russie des archives françaises: le cas du fonds de la Sûreté", Twentieth century, n°45, 1995, p.133-139.
- Des menées anarchistes aux menées communistes: magistrats et ordre social", Jean Jaurès trimestri notebooksels, n°141, 1996, p.49-58.
- Republican state and political repression, 1880-1940", Jean Jaurès quarterly issues, n°150, 1998, p.105-118.
- The intangible regime. Republic and conspiracies", PolitixChanger de régime", n°47, 1999, p.105- 118.
- With Sophie Coeuré, "Paul Gorgulov, assassin de Paul Doumer (1932)", Twentieth centuryn°65, 2000, p.35-46.
- Secrecy in politics: a history to be written", Materials for the history of our timesn°58, 2000, p.3-8.
- Party secrets and state suspicion in 1930s France", Politix, n°54, 2001, p.119-138.
- La part du secret : un état des lieux", Lez Valenciennes, n°32, 2003, p.7-14.
- Back to 6 February 1934, Cahiers Léon Blum, n°34, 2003, p.77-98.
- Two looks at one story: support for Republican Spain in France (1936-1939)", Studies by Jean-Richard Bloch2007, n°13, p.15-42.
- The Marseille bombing (9 October 1934): regicide and terrorism in 1930s Europe, The French Revolution. Papers of the Institute for the History of the French Revolution, 2012.
- "Defending 'terrorists' in 1935 France. The lawyer for the Croatian 'ustachis'", The Social Movement, 2012, no. 240, p.105-120.
- Political corruption: a European history, Cahiers Jaurès, n° 209, 2013, pp.3-13.
- Investigating corruption: Jaurès and the Rochette Commission", Ibidpp.71-91.
- Between model and anti-model. Essai sur l'historiographie française de la IIIe Republic", Neue Politische LiteraturJg. 59 (2014), 1, pp.43-62.
- With Anne-José Fulgéras and Fabrice Lhomme, (round table), "How can we fight corruption? ", Spirit, n°402, February 2014, p.63-74.
- Corruption, daughter of political modernity? International and Strategic Reviewe, 101, 2016, pp.65- 74.
-With Gilles Candar, "Un faux Jaurès espagnol - presentation", Cahiers Jaurès, 2016, n° 221, p.153-156
- With Jens Ivo Engels and Silvia Marton, "Snow-white politicians", 9 May 2017, La Vie des idéesEssays and debates", [online],
- With Gemma Rubi, "Los favores y los sermones", Ayer. Review of contemporary history, 2019 (3), n° 115, p.13-21.
- ¿Un "régimen honesto"? Soberanía y virtud en la República francesa (1870-1940)", Ayer. Review of contemporary history, 2019 (3), 115, p.51-75.
- Presentation, Cahiers JaurèsL'argent des politiques: rémunération des élus et financement des partis en Europe vers 1900", no. 235-236, 2020, p.3-13.
- With Christophe Portalez, "Une norme disputée: l'indemnité parlementaire en France", Cahiers JaurèsNo. 235-236, 2020, p.15-36.
- Jaurès: l'indemnité parlementaire (speech of November 1906) - Presentation, Cahiers JaurèsNo. 235-236, 2020, p.93-97.
Contributions to proceedings of international conferences and collective works
- L'État face à la contestation communiste", in Servants of the State. A political history of the French administration, 1875-1945, M.-O. Baruch and V. Duclert [eds], Paris, La Découverte, 2000, p.427-438.
- L'imagerie d'une conspiration: l'invention de la Cagoule, 1936-1939", in Politics and war. To understand 20th century EuropeS. Audoin-Rouzeau et alii [ed.], Paris, Agnès Viénot/Noésis, 2002, p.328-341.
- The Republic of Communists", in Critical dictionary of the Republic, V. Duclert and Ch. Prochasson [eds], Paris, Flammarion, 2002, p.320-326.
-With Bertrand Joly and Vincent Duclert, "La défense républicaine", in Ibidem, p.145-154.
-La fin de la race française blanche': notes sur quelques silences", in Something happened... on 21 April 2002Vincent Duclert, Christophe Prochasson, Perrine Simon Nahum (dir.), Paris, Denoël, 2003, p.128-134.
- With Sophie Coeuré, "De l'ombre à la lumière: les archives françaises de retour de Moscou, 1940-2002", in Secret' archives, archive secrets? S. Laurent [ed.], Paris, CNRS éditions, 2003, p.133-148.
- Cartel des gauches et gouvernements radicaux (1924-1926 and 1932-1934)", in History of the Left in FranceJ.-J. Becker and G. Candar [eds], vol. 2 : Twentieth century, the test of historyParis, La Découverte, 2004, p.227-237.
-The Popular Front", in Histoire des gauches, ibidemvol. 2, p.238-254.
-Monsieur Daladier, I'm tired of writing", in Bread, peace, freedom. Experiences and territories of the Popular FrontXavier Vigna, Jean Vigreux and Serge Wolikow [eds], Paris, éditions sociales, "Histoire/Essais", 2006, p.53-68.
-Quantième de l'espérance. Foreword", in France Bloch and Frédo Sérazin. A couple in the ResistanceDVD-CD Rom, film by Marie Cristiani, files coordinated by Alain Quella-Villéger, Scérén, CRDP Poitou- Charentes, 2009.
-The French Communist Party and its activists during the Second World War", in Ibidem
-A 'democratic patronage': social integration and Republican legitimacy in France (circa 1880 - circa 1940)", in Integration, Legitimation, Korruption. Politische Patronage in früher Neuzeit und ModerneRonald G. Asch, Birgit Emich, Jens I. Engels (eds.),Bern, Peter Lang, 2011, p.97-112.
- With Jens Ivo Engels, "Pour une histoire comparée des faveurs et de la corruption: France et Allemagne, 19e-20e siècles", in Politics from below. Private practices and public debates, 19th-20th centuriesJens Ivo Engels, Frédéric Monier and Natalie Petiteau (eds.), Paris, A. Colin, , 2012, p.127-148.
- La République des 'faveurs'", in A counter-history of the IIIe Republic, with M. Fontaine and C. Prochasson (eds.), Paris, La Découverte, 2013, p.339-352.
- Conspiracy and corruption: debates on political morality", in Citizenship, Republic, Democracy. France, 1789-1899Louis Hincker (ed.), Paris, Atlande, 2014, p.269-285.
- With Natalie Petiteau, "Personal power", Ibidem, p. 287-305.
- "'But true corruption no longer exists'. Les patronages à l'ère de la critique", in Political patronage and corruption in contemporary EuropeO. Dard, J.I. Engels and F. Monier (eds.), Paris, A. Colin, 2014, p.13-32.
- With Jens Ivo Engels, "Introduction", in Scandals and corruption in contemporary times, O. Dard, J.I. Engels, A. Fahrmeir and F. Monier (dir.), Paris, A. Colin, 2014, p.13-30.
-Cracking down on corruption: political conflicts and penal responses in the France of the Third Worlde République", in Understanding and fighting corruptionPhilippe Bonfils, Laurent Mucchielli and Adrien Roux (eds.), Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2015, p.19-32.
-La vertu au premier rang? French socialists and communists confronted with corruption (1892-1941)", in Virtue and politics. The practices of legislators (1789-2014), M. Biard, P. Bourdin, H. Leuwers and A. Tourret (dir.), Rennes, PUR, 2015, p.339-352.
- "Le désengagement des démocraties: l'invention française de la non-intervention", in J. Canal and V. Duclert [eds], The Spanish Civil War, a conflict that shaped EuropeParis, A. Colin, 2016, p.106-116.
- With Jens Ivo Engels, "Moderne Stadtgeschichte und Korruption. Einführende Überlegungen" ("Contemporary City History and Corruption. Preliminary remarks"), in Stadt, Macht, Korruption, Jens Ivo Engels, Andreas Fahrmeir, Cesare Mattina, Frédéric Monier (hrsg.), Frankfurt, Frantz Steiner, "Beiträge zur Stadtgeschichte", Bd. 20, 2017, p.11-27.
- With Silvia Marton, "Bread and salt: an introduction", in Morality of power and corruption in France and Romania, 18th centurye-XXe centuriesSilvia Marton, F. Monier and Olivier Dard (eds.), Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2017, p.7-21.
- La fabrique socialiste de la morale : intérêts, conflits et normes dans le parti de Léon Blum", in Ibidem, p.177-189.
- with Cesare Mattina, "Introduction", in : Denouncing corruption. White knights, pamphleteers and promoters of transparency in contemporary timesC. Mattina, F. Monier, O. Dard and J.I. Engels (eds.), Paris, Demopolis, 2018, p.13-31.
- Entre 'principios regeneradores' y escandalos: el caso francès en el siglo XIX", in Political corruption in contemporary Spain. An interdisciplinary approachBorja de Riquer, Joan Lluís Pérez-Francesch, Gemma Rubí, Ferran Toledano, Oriol Lujan (eds.), Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2018, p.437-457.
- "A territory of nuclear deterrence: the Albion plateau", E3S Web Conferences, Volume 88, 2019, i-DUST 2018- Inter-Disciplinary Underground Science & Technology, 04001, 8p.,
- Stratégie médiatique, imaginaire de la clandestinité, et complotisme: avant-propos", in La part de l'ombre. A history of the political underground in the 20th century.e centuryVirgile Cirefice, Grégoire le Quang, Charles Riondet (dir.), Paris, Champvallon, "Époques", 2019, p.175-179.
- El dinero de los diputados: remuneración, profesionalización y corrupción en Francia (1789-1848)", in Political corruption and liberalism in the 19th centuryMaria Antonia Peña Guerrero and Diego José Feria Lorenzo (eds.), Madrid, Editorial Comares, 2020, p.3-20.
- With Christophe Portalez, "Une norme démocratique? L'indemnité des élus en débats, de la Révolution française à la Grande Guerre", in Remuneration for political workÉric Kerrouche and Rémy le Saout (dir.), Paris, éditions de la fondation J. Jaurès, "Rapports", 2020, p.5-7.
- With Jens Ivo Engels, "Researching the history of transparency", in History of transparency in politics and societyJens Ivo Engels and Frédéric Monier (eds.), Göttingen, Vandenhoek § Ruprecht Unipress, 2020, p.7-20.
- With Gemma Rubi, "Des tigres à face humaine': l'argent immoral, antipatriotique et illégitime en temps de guerre", in Immoral money and war profiteers in contemporary timesOlivier Dard, Jens Ivo Engels and Frédéric Monier (eds.), Brussels, P. Lang, 2020, pp. 349-365.
- Conclusion, in Cursing the city. A comparative socio-history of the denunciation of urban corruption, Cesare Mattina and Nicolas Maïsetti (dir), Lille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2021, p.271-282.
- With Jean-Louis Briquet, "Élites et clientélisme en terres méditerranéennes", in Jean-Paul Pellegrinetti (ed.), A political history of Mediterranean FranceRennes, PUR, 2021, p.449-457.
- With Pol Dalmau and Ronald Kroeze, "Corruption, Empire and colonialism in the Modern era: towards a global perspective" in Corruption, Empire and colonialism in the modern era: a global perspectiveRonald Kroeze, Pol Dalmau Palet and Frédéric Monier (eds.), Basingstoke, Palgrave Mc Millan, 2021, p.1-19.
- With Jens Ivo Engels, "Colonial and corruption history: future perspectives", in Corruption, Empire and colonialism in the modern era: a global perspectiveRonald Kroeze, Pol Dalmau Palet and Frédéric Monier (eds.), Basingstoke, Palgrave Mc Millan, 2021, p.339-355.
- With Lluis Ferran Toledano, Joan Pubill and Gemma Rubi, "Introduccion", in Las sombras de la transparencia. Secreto, corrupción y 'Estado profundo' en la Europa contemporáneawith Lluis Ferran Toledano, Joan Pubill and Gemma Rubi (eds.), Granada, Comares editorial, 2022, p.IX-XX.
- La 'inmenza fuerza oculta del dinero': denunciar una oligarquia corrupta en Francia, CA. 1900", in Las sombras de la transparencia. Secreto, corrupción y 'Estado profundo' en la Europa contemporáneawith Lluis Ferran Toledano, Joan Pubill and Gemma Rubi (eds.), Granada, Comares editorial, 2022, p.3-19.
- Outsiders? "Democratic patronage and the subalterns in France, c.1875-c.1935", in Subaltern political subjectivities and practices in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Between loyalty and resistanceKaren Lauwers, Sami Suodenjoki and Marnix Beyen (eds.), New York, Routledge, 2023, p.112-129.Disseminating scientific culture:
-A corrupt Republic? Le Nouvel ObservateurLe pouvoir et l'argent", C. Brun (ed.), hors- série n°81, 2012, p.50-53.
- Hate and fervour: Léon Blum attacked (13 February 1936)", Notes from the Fondation Jean Jaurès, n0 294, 11 February 2016. [online]
- "Léon Blum, French socialists and refugees in the 1930s", Fondation Jean Jaurès, 13 July 2016. [online]
- Léon Blum, la quête de moralité", presentation of an extract from Léon Blum, Pour être socialiste [1919], in "La droite, la gauche: les grands textes", Le PointReferences, March-April 2018, p.85-86.
Coordination of international research programmes:
- March 2011- August 2014: coordination of the Franco-German programme "Politique et corruption: pratiques de la faveur et débats publics en France et en Allemagne (XIXe-XXe s.)- POC/K", with Jens Ivo Engels (Technical University of Darmstadt). Programme supported by the ANR and the DFG (ANR-10-FRAL-0004).
- -September 2014-August 2018: coordination of the Franco-German programme "Politique et corruption: argent immoral et influence politique en France et en Allemagne (XIXe-XXe s.) POC/K2", with Jens Ivo Engels (Technical University of Darmstadt). Programme supported by the ANR and the DFG (ANR-13-FRAL-0009-02).
- -January 2015-December 2016: coordination of the Franco-Romanian programme "Corruption and Politics in France and Romania in Contemporary Times" (CorPo), with Silvia Marton (University of Bucharest). Programme supported by an H. Curien partnership, (Brancusi 2015 32635ZA).
- -September 2018-May 2022, coordination of the Franco-German programme "History of transparency: politics made visible (France-Germany, 1890s-1990s) [Histrans], with Jens Ivo Engels (Technical University of Darmstadt). Programme supported by the ANR and the DFG (ANR-17-FRAL-007-01).
- ANR web sheet :
Mis à jour le 24 September 2024