Research News - September / October 2021 #5


The Fête de la Science celebrated its 30th anniversary in Vaucluse

The 2021 edition of the Fête de la Science took place from 1 to 11 October.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Fête de la Science, the Vaucluse Fête de la Science coordinators (Avignon Université, INRAE, Muséum Requien, Le Grenier à Sel, Science en Comtat) have designed and produced an exhibition on the theme of the thrill of discovery. The exhibition features 30 photographs of people involved in the FdS in our department. The exhibition is open until 20 October on the gate of Square Perdiguier in Avignon, at Cavaillon town hall, on the gates of the Caromb cooperative cellar and at the Sorgues multimedia library.

This edition was also marked by the Science Village on Saturday 2 October, visited by more than 1,200 people, as well as the participation of classes from the Vaucluse in workshops on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus of Avignon University.

Information on development, partnerships and intellectual property

"Artificial intelligence has read for you": Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno, LIA, and Sabine Louët, SciencePOD

Juan-Manuel Torres-MorenoSabine Louët, senior lecturer and specialist in automatic language processing at the LIA, co-authored an article with Sabine Louët, founder of the publishing company SciencePOD, which appeared in "La Recherche".

"Automatically summarising scientific publications so that as many people as possible can access them is the ambitious aim of a collaboration combining the automatic summarisation expertise of Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno, from the Avignon Computer Science Laboratory (LIA), and the scientific communication know-how of Sabine Louët, founder of the digital publishing company SciencePOD.

It's a way of disseminating research progress on a large scale, and also of combating misinformation".

>> Read the full article
>> See also the press release about the partnership between Avignon University and SciencePOD

Partnership between Zenidoc and the LIA

Last February, Zenidoc announced a four-year partnership with the research teams at the Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon (LIA). DSIH interviewed the two parties involved in the project to gain a better understanding of what is at stake in this partnership and what it entails.

>> Read more

The portraits

October 2021 - Justine Paysal

Justine Paysal is a paediatrician with a doctorate in STAPS. She defended her thesis entitled
"On 28 June last, a conference was held on the cardiac repercussions of weight problems in adolescents.
In her portrait, she explains what her work as a paediatrician involves and how her thesis work has enabled her to enrich her knowledge of her profession.

>> See his portrait

September 2021 - Claire Balandier

Claire Balandier is a senior lecturer in ancient history at Avignon University, and a researcher at the HiSoMA laboratory (UMR 5189).
She specialises in the geopolitical history of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, Syria-Phoenicia) from the end of the Classical period (4th century BC) to the High Roman Empire (2nd century AD), through the study of ancient cities and their defensive policies.
Claire Balandier is leading an archaeological mission to Paphos (Cyprus), where the research team is attempting to unravel the mysteries of the remains of a temple and underground cult chambers.

>> See his portrait

June 2021 - Rym SMAÏ

Rym Smaï is a doctoral student at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Avignon, working on Lorentzian geometry. This geometry is at the heart of general relativity, introduced by Albert Einstein in 1915.
Rym Smaï's thesis research focuses on possible mathematical models of physical space-time, and she is particularly interested in describing their causal properties: what relates to the future/past of an event, the trajectories of luminous photons, and so on.

>> Discover his portrait

Doctoral Schools

Upcoming thesis defences

  • Etienne DAVIDThe challenge of robust trait estimates with Deep Learning on high-resolution RGB imagery", EMMAH, 02/11/2021
  • Benoit SOHETOptimisation couplée des stratégies roulage/recharge pour véhicules électriques en environnement urbain", LIA, 08/11/2021
  • Ulsi TOTAComparaisons des conditions de vie de population côtières (mers adriatiques et ionienne) et de montagne, de l'antiquité tardive au début de la période ottomane", CIHAM, 08/11/2021
  • Sawssen AHMADILes minorités ethnoculturelles au sein de la littérature canadienne contemporaine: l'exil interne face aux prix littéraires", ICTT, 15/11/2021
  • Patrizia ZAMBERLETTISTRUCTURE DU PAYSAGE AGRICOLE ET REGULATION DES RAVAGEURS- Effet de l'hétérogénéité spatiale du paysage sur la dynamique éco-évolutive d'un système prédateur-proie", BioPS, 26/11/2021
  • Myriam SIEGWARTInsecticide resistance", PSH, 15/12/2021

Research projects

ANR 2022 generic call for projects

The submission site

for projects in response to the ANR's Generic 2022 Call for Projects is now open (PRC, PRCE, JCJC and PRME pre-proposals and PRCI registration).

If you would like to apply, please contact :

The deadline is Thursday 28 October 2021.

Call for Agorantic 2022 projects

As a lever for its scientific policy, the FR Agorantic is setting up a call for emerging projects, funded by Avignon Université, to help projects in their initial phase. These white projects will be designed to address a problem and/or explore an original methodology within an interdisciplinary framework.

Deadline for submission of projects : 30th October.
Projects must be registered and submitted on the dedicated platform.

>> Read more

Tersys 2022 call for projects

The internal call for TERSYS projects aims to encourage scientific collaboration between host teams, their own research units and joint research units, and the 3A platform supported by AU/INRAE.
This call is reserved for members of TERSYS, but collaborations with other teams are not excluded. However, only TERSYS members are eligible for funding.

Deadline for submission of projects : 30th October.

>>Read more



[PAUSE Programme] Avignon University welcomes two Afghan researchers as part of the national programme for the emergency reception of scientists in exile (PAUSE)

Set up in 2017, PAUSE, the National Programme for the Emergency Reception of Scientists in Exile, in which Avignon Université participates, aims to facilitate the reception and support of academics and researchers under threat.

Since November 2020, Avignon Université has welcomed two researchers to the GREEN team at the SQPOV laboratory and the Avignon Computer Science Laboratory, thanks to financial support from the PAUSE programme.
Both from Afghanistan, they were supported by the university's Euraxess Contact Point in order to facilitate their arrival in France and promote their social and professional integration.


[Invitation in residence] The UMR IMBE welcomes Grégory Mahy from the University of Liège

As part of Avignon Université's "Invitation en résidence" programme, UMR IMBE is hosting Grégory Mahy, Professor at the University of Liège in Belgium, from mid-September 2021 for one year.

During his stay, Grégory Mahy will be developing research into ecological engineering applied to the restoration of agro-ecosystems, in particular through the development of facilitating biotic interactions (nurse species, ecosystem engineer species, etc.). He will also be involved in the team's conceptual thinking on the restoration/rewilding of natural areas.


University Research School (EUR) Implanteus

[Conferences] The Implanteus Lectures resume

The "Implanteus Lectures" resumed on Wednesday 12 October.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 17 November from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm with a presentation by Richard JOHNSONUniversity of Colorado, on the theme : "Nutrition and climate change, how have they influenced the evolution of primates, who we are today and what diseases do we suffer from?"

>> Download the programme in French
>> Download the programme

Scientific and Technical Culture

Call for entries: Sciences en bulles

For the fourth year running, the CPU (Conférence des Présidents d'Université) will be associated with the Fête de la science book in 2022. "Sciences en bulles which presents 10 doctoral theses from French universities in the form of a comic strip.

For this 2022 edition, the specific theme of the next Fête de la science book will look at the following subject "Climate transition: mitigation and adaptation.
The aim is to illustrate the work, day-to-day life and experiences of 10 doctoral students who are learning about research through research. How do they experience this discovery of the world of the laboratory, of investigation and exploration?

The call is aimed at doctoral students.

>> Download the call for applications
Contact for Scientific and Technical Culture :

The University Library at the service of research

The BU invites you to discover a series of three videos produced by the University of Lorraine on the workings of public research:

Who pays for publishing research in France?
What is research data?
Open Science: what's at stake for research data?


26 October : Open Access Day 2021. Data warehouse modules & HAL Workshops -
University Library, Hannah Arendt Campus - Avignon University

29 - 30 October : Virtual Masters exhibition - Campus France Maroc

17 - 19 November : IA Festival 2021, Round tables on artificial intelligence - Hannah Arendt and Jean-Henri Fabre campuses

Science Café
Avignon - Restaurant Françoise, 6 rue du Général Leclerc

21 October :

25 November
Small is beautiful, the world of elementary particles.

9 December Randomness and intuition in scientific discoveries.

>> Full Avignon programme

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI), formerly the Maison de la Recherchesupports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)


If you are part of the Avignon University community and have If you have a topic that could be the subject of a Research news item, you can submit a message below. Please provide as much information as possible: abstract, laboratory(ies) and person(s) involved, royalty-free visuals.


By entering your request on this contact form, you agree that we may keep your data for the time necessary to provide you with an answer. The person in charge of the processing is Mr. the President of Avignon University and you can exercise the rights conferred to you by the General Data Protection Regulation by contacting the Data Protection Officer: .