Students, all the keys to finding your accommodation!
Everything you need to know about accommodation in student halls of residence, other types of accommodation and the various forms of assistance available: Official website étudiant.gouv
[Thesis defence] 7 July 2023 - Léo Lajoie: "Eco-extraction of plants for the development of phytotherapy drugs", GREEN (UMR 408 SQPOV)
Research news
28 June 2023
Date and place Avignon Université, campus Jean-Henri Fabre, amphi agrosciences 7 July 2023 at 9:30 am defence in camera Discipline Chemistry Laboratory GREEN (UMR 408 SQPOV) Supervision Composition of the jury [...]
[Thesis defence] 4 July 2023 - Coline Pons: "Effects of elicitation by UV-C and hydrogen peroxide on the metabolism of two chilli genotypes", UPRI ERIT PSII
Research news
28 June 2023
Date and place Agrosciences - Tuesday 4 July 14:00 - in camera Discipline Agronomic sciences Laboratory UPRI ERIT PSII Supervision Laurent Urban, director Jawad Aarrouf, co-director Raphaël Lugan, supervisor Camille [...]
Cultural third places, commons and the SSE: research seminar and workshop
A study day on shared cultural third places and the SSE organised by Émilie Pamart (MCF, Centre Norbert Elias UMR 8562, Avignon University), Maud Pélissier (MCF HDR, IMSIC EA 4262 laboratory, University of [...]
[Distinction] Elise Buisson, lecturer in the Biological Engineering department of the Avignon IUT and member of the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), appointed Chevalier de l'ordre national du mérite by the French Minister for Ecological Transition.
Elise Buisson, a lecturer in the Biological Engineering department of the Avignon IUT and a member of the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE) laboratory, has just been named a Knight of the National Order of Merit by the French Minister for Ecological Transition.
Recruiting students for the new academic year
Mission: To welcome and support new students at the start of the 2023 academic year, which will take place from 1 to 8 September 2023. Applications to be sent before 30 June 2023 by e-mail. [...]
77th Festival d'Avignon / Patch Culture
As part of the partnership between Avignon Université and the Festival d'Avignon, 12 performances are open to the university community via the Patch Culture. To take advantage of this offer, you must [...]
Digital Economy Summer School 2023
8 June 2023
The next Digital Economy Summer School (3EN) will take place at the University of Avignon on 3 and 4 July 2023. The preliminary programme is now available. Find it in English on the website [...]
Avignon Université 2023 staff party
6 June 2023
Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to the 2023 staff party, which promises to be something special with some great new features in store. In addition to the traditional buffet lunch, you will [...]
Conference: Inclusion at work and non-discrimination: New discourse for new practices?
1 June 2023