[MidiSciences 2023] "Free energy in soils: Understanding plant resistance to water deficit", by Florian Cajot, PhD student UMR EMMAH 1114 - 30 March
Open to all and to be followed online here: v-au.univ-avignon.fr/live/colloque/
On 30 March, Florian Cajot will be presenting a Midisciences lecture on "Free energy in soils: Understanding plant resistance to water deficit".
"Why some plants are more resistant to water deficit is an open question. The key may lie in the organic matter exuded by the roots that modifies wettability. To model drought and rewetting scenarios, we introduce a free energy associated with the different bio- and physico-chemical processes.
Florian Cajot is an Avignon University/INRAE PhD student at UMR EMMAH 1114. He is working on modelling water transfer in the rhizosphere.
The lectures will be available for viewing online on Canal U.
To follow them live, go here: https://v-au.univ-avignon.fr/live/colloque/
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Mis à jour le 28 March 2023