Equality weeks from 3 to 14 March 2025
Avignon University is organising from 3 to 14 March 2025 Equality Weeksin collaboration with student associations (Inter'Asso, SAJES, AEL, Les Nuits des CinéFils et Filles), the Avignon Bar Association and local anti-discrimination and VSS associations.
Food distribution
Monday 3 March 2025 - HA campus / room 0E15, North building - from 11.30 a.m.
Tuesday 4 March - JHF campus / CERI Hall from 11.30 a.m.
Avignon University and the French Red Cross will be distributing dry food and hygiene products to students on 3 and 4 March.
Both events are free and open to all students at the University, without prior registration.
A Café Solidaire area run by volunteers from the French Red Cross will also be available to help you find out about all the initiatives in place in Avignon to meet your needs.
Don't forget your bags.
In partnership with CROIX ROUGE Vaucluse
Stands on feminism and the fight against SGBV
Monday 3, Wednesday 5, Thursday 6 March 2025 - HA campus - South Hall
Tuesday 4 March - JHF campus / CERI Hall
11.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m.
Throughout the week, the SAJES association will be offering interactive quizzes, simulations and stands on subjects related to feminism, the fight against gender-based and sexual violence, the fight against violence against women and the fight against violence against women.
Organised by the association La SAJES
Expression wall: "How do you feel about our society today?
Monday 3 March 2025 - campus Jean-Henri Fabre
Wednesday 5 March - Hannah Arendt campus, South building lobby
11.30am - 3pm
Organised by the AEL association
This project, in collaboration with the national linguist network, will take place simultaneously in Avignon and Brest, to bring students together to discuss their experiences. Feedback will then be posted on the AEL Instagram account.
Collective collage action on campus walls
Wednesday 5 March - from 2pm, Jean-Henri Fabre campus
Come and take part in a collective collage of portraits of committed women on the walls of the Jean-Henri Fabre campus.
Register by e-mail patch-culture@univ-avignon.fr
Special day on restorative justice at Avignon University
Wednesday 5 March 2025 – 9.30am - 8.30pm, Campus Hannah Arendt - city centre site
Hall bâtiment Sud (stands) - AT03 (projection and round table)
As part of the Equality Weeks, Avignon University is organising a day devoted to restorative justice, an essential tool for raising awareness and combating gender-based and sexual violence.
This event will provide an opportunity to gain a better understanding of this approach, talk to experts and find out about the reporting and support systems available to students and staff.
Free admission - Avignon Université students and staff only
L'Impulsive by the association Les Nuits des CinéFils et Filles
Thursday 6 March 2025, 7.30pm - midnight, LaScierie
The student film association Les Nuits des CinéFils & Filles is organising a committed evening to showcase the work of feminist women and artists in film, music and the visual arts.
The aim is to give visibility to female talent and to offer a space for celebration, reflection and struggle through images and sound.
On the programme:
- VJing & DJ-sets ;
- Screenings and exhibitions of work by committed women and artists;
- Sign workshop ;
- Artists' stands with exhibitions of photos, illustrations and paintings;
- Family Planning and other committed groups from the region will be on hand to discuss and find out more.
- This event is free for students and €2 for the full price.
In partnership with LaScierie, café-librairie Youpi!, Planning Familial 84, Crous Aix-Marseille Avignon and Avignon Université.
Free legal advice
Friday 7 March 2025, 9.30am - 11.30am, Campus Hannah ArendtRoom 1W18
Lawyers from the Avignon Bar Association offer free legal consultations to answer your questions, particularly about women's rights.
Confidential consultations by appointment.
Appointments will last approximately 15 minutes.
Meet in room 1w18, campus Hannah Arendt
Appointments via the e-uapv.fr platform / Legal consultations on 7 March
Conference Women's right to control their own bodies
Friday 7 March 2025 - 16h - 18h, Campus Hannah Arendt - site centre-ville / AT03 (conference / round table)
free admission
To mark International Women's Rights Day, CER Droit and the Avignon Bar Association invite you to a round table discussion on women's right to control their own bodies.
Fifty years after the Veil law and one year after the guaranteed freedom to have an abortion was enshrined in the Constitution, where do we stand today?
From contraception to GPA and sexual and gynaecological violence, this conference will look back at the major stages in the emancipation of women's bodies and open the debate on current issues.
Anti-discrimination week
from 10 to 14 March
Throughout the week, Inter'Asso Avignon is organising awareness-raising events on campuses and on social networks, including stands, video clips and a chat room.
Organised by Inter'Asso Avignon
Mis à jour le 3 March 2025