Student data
- Civil status data :
surname, first name, date of birth, town of birth, - Contact details :
Address, permanent contact address (e.g. parents' address), telephone number (not compulsory) - Administrative data :
Years of enrolment, diploma and speciality prepared, sandwich course, payment of enrolment fees, books borrowed but not returned - Educational data :
Enrolment in courses (UE, UCE, UEO), enrolment in online courses, activities in the various course areas (consulting resources, handing in assignments, etc.), marks obtained, work placement agreements, semester and year results, graduation. - Connection data :
Connections to the University network (wired or wireless) and to the services provided are recorded and kept (connection logs) for a period of one year.
We process it for purposes related to our public service missions and, in very specific cases, we may pass it on to partners (the Crous, for example, or student mutual societies, a foreign university as part of an exchange, etc.) or to so-called "authorised" third parties who may ask us for certain information. These include various government departments (Ministry of Higher Education and Research, police, justice, etc.) and organisations such as family allowance funds and CEREQ.
Your personal data is collected and processed for the following purposes:
- Applying to university: We access and process the data available to us on Parcoursup (Identity, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, INE number, personal details (date of birth, place of birth, etc.), school details, academic record), as well as on Campus France.
- Complete your administrative registration (which enables you to benefit from student status), which includes the issue of your student card.
- Create a digital identity to give you access to the resources you need for your studies.
- Complete your educational registration, which defines your training path.
- Take into account and propose adaptations adapted to your situation. The Disability Relay is there to help you make your life as a student easier. If you are an employee, you can benefit from the RSE (special study scheme) under certain conditions.
- To provide financial and material assistance for students.
- Managing student mobility (incoming and outgoing)
- Subscribe to the mailing lists used at Avignon Université to send you all the information you need (school life, teaching).
- Enable you to access the online courses (moodle platform) associated with your course registration.
- Give you access to your course timetable.
- Give you access to the resources of the university library.
- To enable the student health service to operate.
- Register and publish Masters dissertations on DUMAS (Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance).
- Provide the teachers on your course with the attendance lists they need to carry out their duties.
- Provide the lecturers on your course with a trombinoscope (and only the lecturers who welcome you to their courses, and for the students on their courses), provided that you have agreed to this use at the time of enrolment or on your enrolment form.
- Register on the electoral roll to take part in elections.
- Produce the documents needed to validate the semester, year and degree.
- Manage disciplinary proceedings.
- Keep and archive information on schooling and qualifications obtained, so that it can be restored as required.
- You can be consulted or approached via online survey tools (training evaluation, information gathering, etc.).
- After you leave the establishment :
- We will contact you to discuss how you can find a job.
- We respond to your requests to obtain your diploma, and we respond to third parties who ask us to certify that you have obtained your diplomas, provided that they provide us with a document proving that you authorise them to do so.
All personal data processing carried out in our establishment is subject to specific access management rules, based on a strict rights management principle.
Les application de gestion de la bibliothèque ne sont accessibles qu’aux personnels de la Bibliothèque. Le relais handicap et le Service de Santé Étudiante sont seuls à connaître la nature des handicaps des étudiants. Les enseignants ne connaissent que le statut de l’étudiant handicapé afin d’en tenir compte pour les aménagements auxquels ils ont droit.
En ce qui concerne les évaluations pédagogiques un enseignant ne peut accéder aux notes attribuées par un autre enseignant, à moins qu’ils soient en situation de co-encadrement de cours ou travaux pratiques.
- The right to information :
It is the right to be informed about the data that is collected, to know how it is used, how long it is kept and for whom it is intended (this is the purpose of this page). - The right of access
You have the right to know what information an organisation holds about you. - the right to rectification
You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete information about yourself. - the right to erasure
The right to erasure may be limited to certain processing operations. As long as you are registered with the university, it is obliged to keep your data in order to ensure optimum educational continuity.
Mis à jour le 6 March 2025