Summer school
French language, culture and gastronomy" summer course
>>> Download the registration form + Computer charter to be signed
For registration, please contact us.
Dates : From 26 June to 13 July 2023. Public: minimum level required: A2 To help you define your level, you can consult description of the levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Beginners are not accepted. An alternative programme may be offered for a group of beginners.
Contact us
Tariffs 2023
- 850 for students
- 1020€ for non-students.
French course: 30 hours - 6 ECTS credits
On arrival, a placement test is used to divide students into groups of different levels. Oral and written skills are studied in equal measure, based on the needs identified in the test.
Numerous activities are offered in connection with the Festival: micro-trotters, interviews, writing workshops, etc., as well as vocabulary work in preparation for the planned visits. Participants are introduced to the plays on the programme: work on the text, presentation of authors, directors and actors.
* Tastings and visits to the production sites of Provençal specialities
* Theatrical programme:
2 shows from the Festivals IN and OFF.
* Heritage discovery activities
- Guided tour of Avignon
- Visit to the Palace of the Popes and the Pont d'Avignon
- Visit to the Maison Jean Vilar
The Language Service can help you find accommodation (it is difficult to find accommodation in June-July, so you should plan ahead).
For more information please contact us:
Tel. +33 (0)4 90 16 29 89
>>> Download the enrolment form + IT Charter to be signed
Registrations closed - Courses cancelled
Dates : From June 26th until July 13th, 2023.
Public: minimum level of French required: A2
In order to help defining your level in French, you can check the European reference language frame: level description
Beginners not accepted. Another programme can be defined for a group of beginners (please contact us)
2023 fees
- 850€ for students
- 1020€ for non-students
Programme :
French courses : 30 hours - 6 ECTS credits
On arrival, a placement test allows to dispatch students in different level groups (depending on the number of attendants). Spoken and written French are studied in equal parts, starting from the needs identified through the placement test.
Numerous activities are proposed, linked to the Avignon Theatre Festival: vox-pops, interviews, writing workshop, etc.
Participants are prepared to the selected plays: work on the text, presentation of the authors, directors and actors, as well as to the various visits (specific vocabulary)
* Tastings and visits of workshops producing specialties from Provence région
* Theater programme :
2 plays from the IN and OFF festivals.
* Heritage discovery activities :
- Guided tour of Avignon
- Guided tour of the Pope's Palace and Avignon bridge
- Visit of the Maison Jean Vilar (theatre & festival museum)
The Languages Service - Service des Langues - can help with accomodation (it is complicated to find one in July because of the festival, please contact us far in advance).
For further information, please contact us:
- Tel. +33 (0)4 90 16 29 89
Dates : From 26 June to 13 July 2023.
Registrations closed - Courses cancelled
Tariffs 2023
850 for students
1020 for non-students
Applications must be sent by e-mail onlyat
Payment can only be made by bank transfer. Proof of payment must be sent by e-mail with the registration form.
International Relations Department
Language Service
Tel. +33 (0)4 90 16 29 89
Service timetable
The service is open at the following times:
- Monday: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm,
- Tuesday: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm,
- Wednesday: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm,
- Thursday: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm,
- Friday: closed to the public
Mis à jour le 9 January 2025