[Inauguration] Avignon University and UMR 7300 ESPACE launch the GIF (Geodata, Real Estate, Land) partnership chair
The GIF (Geodata, Real Estate, Real Estate) partnership chair was officially launched on Friday 31 March 2023 on the Hannah Arendt campus of Avignon University.
Co-directed by Laure Casanova Enault and Guilhem BoulayThe GIF Chair is made up of four founding members, all key players in the land and property sector: Adequationa consultancy specialising in data and property markets; the Ceremaa public body specialising in sustainable regional development; Best Agentsthe French leader in online property valuation and Union sociale pour l'habitatUnion nationale des fédérations d'organismes HLM. These four partners, keen to contribute to scientific research, are contributing to the funding of the GIF Chair.
The Chair also benefits from the institutional support ofAvignon UniversitytheUMR CNRS 7300 ESPACEand SOUTH PACA Region.
The team of around ten members is made up of teacher-researchers, doctoral students, post-doctoral students and trainees in geography (UMR 7300 ESPACE) and statistics (Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Avignon - UPR 2151). The different specialisms of the members give the Chair an interdisciplinary approach that is essential to future research.
Focusing on the issue of the selection of land and property by market players and its consequences, the GIF Chair's research programme will give priority to the use of massive, geo-referenced and original data made available by the partners. It will focus on four main objectives:
- Identifying the behaviour of buyers of land and property;
- The location of building projects ;
- Characterisation of timeshare ;
- Estimating the value of real estate assets.
>> More information on the website : https://chairegif.univ-avignon.fr/

The ESPACE (Étude des Structures et des Processus d'Adaptation et des Changements de l'Espace) laboratory is a joint research unit (UMR 7300) set up in 1997, bringing together three universities in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region with the CNRS: Aix-Marseille University, Avignon University and the Université Côte d'Azur.
ESPACE is a multi-disciplinary laboratory whose main areas of research are space-nature-society interactions around environmental issues and urban systems, and the theories, models and methods of spatial analysis.
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Partnership chairs

Logo of the Avignon Université partnership chair
Avignon Université's "partnership chairs" programme aims to develop an ambitious research programme in collaboration with socio-economic partners who make an effective contribution to the project. It also aims to support long-term partnerships and to strengthen the dissemination of research results by linking research and training and through open science.
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Mis à jour le 29 November 2023