[GeEAUde Chair] Coastal and underwater springs: a global database open to scientific contributions

News Research news 4 February 2025

Coastal and submarine resurgences are a natural hydrogeological phenomenon whose understanding is crucial to the study of exchanges between continental and oceanic waters and the dynamics of coastal marine ecosystems. As part of the partnership chair, the GeEAUde team has published a first scientific paper in December 2024 on the spatial distribution, control factors and probability of occurrence on a global scale. In January 2025, the researchers published the associated database with a call for contributions to the international scientific community.

The aim of this unique database is to centralise the information available on coastal and underwater resurgences worldwide, promote active exchanges between different disciplines (e.g. hydrogeology, coastal geomorphology, marine ecology, palaeoclimatology and archaeology) and facilitate access to data for researchers while sharing knowledge with the socio-economic world.

Understanding how coastal and underwater springs work will help to sustainable management and protection of groundwater in coastal areas, increasingly vulnerable to environmental change.

Conceptual diagram summarising the control factors for the presence of groundwater resurgence in a coastal zone dominated by carbonate rocks.
Bouimouass et al, 2024


The overall objective of the GeEAUde partnership chair is to develop, test and promote holistic tools and approaches for characterising and modelling groundwater resources, and to propose sustainable management strategies adapted to the Mediterranean context in the context of global change. The research work of the GeEAUde partnership chair will focus on the dynamics of water within underground hydrosystems and their present and future interactions with surface water (terrestrial and marine) and associated ecosystems.

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