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Café des sciences - "Geology and dinosaurs in Provence", by Yves Dutour and Stéphane Legal

Guests: Yves Dutour, Doctor of Palaeontology, Head of the Aix-en-Provence Natural History Museum. Stéphane Legal, geologist, curator of the Luberon geological nature reserve At the end of the Cretaceous period, dinosaurs populated Provence, leaving us a wealth of fossil remains. But from the first discoveries in 1841 at the foot of the Ventoux [...]

Café des sciences: "Sport, a matter of the heart", by Stéphane Nottin (LaPEC)

Café des sciences spécial Fête de la Science - "Sport, a matter of the heart", by Stéphane Nottin - Senior Lecturer at the Experimental Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory "In our modern society, where a sedentary lifestyle is often omnipresent, sport is emerging as an essential response to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. [...]

Science café: "Water from near and far

CAFÉ DES SCIENCES IN AVIGNON: "L'eau d'ici et d'ailleurs", 7 December at 8.30pm Guests Konstantinos CHALIKAKIS, Lecturer (MdC) / HDR, Deputy Director of UMR EMMAH / Director of the Hydrogeology Laboratory - head of the HYDRO team Christel TENTORINI, Head of territorial coordination at the Syndicat Mixte du Bassin des Sorgues Karine VICIANA, Director of the Maison Régionale de l'Eau The two years [? HYDRO team Christel TENTORINI, Head of territorial coordination, Syndicat Mixte du Bassin des Sorgues Karine VICIANA, Director, Maison Régionale de l'Eau The two years [...]

Café des sciences: "Geomatics for the development of floating solar energy".

Exceptional Café des Sciences organised by Avignon University geography students from the BANG association "Geomatics for the development of floating solar power", 8 December at 7pm, Avignon At this Café des Sciences Géographiques, you will find out in more detail how geomatics and cartography contribute to the development of floating solar power. Laketricity, [...]

[Café des sciences] "The brain as magician", by Jérôme Trouslard - Thursday 21 March 2024

Restaurant Françoise, 6 - rue du Gal Leclerc - Avignon 8.30 pm - 10.30 pm Free admission Guest: Jérôme TROUSLARD, Professor of Neuroscience at Aix-Marseille University, Vice-Dean of Research and International Science Faculty, researcher at the Timone Neuroscience Institute (INT UMR CNRS AMU 7289) We approach the world around us through our senses, [...].

Café des Sciences: "From research to society, AI everywhere? Why?"

"From research to society, AI everywhere? Why?" A science café prepared by doctoral students from the University of Avignon. Thursday 23 May from 8.30pm at the Restaurant "Chez Françoise" 6 Rue du Général Leclerc, 84000 "Artificial Intelligence", "AI", a name that resonates with the futuristic visions of the 1940s brought to life by [...].

[Café des sciences] Should deep-sea mineral resources be exploited? - Thursday 10 October 2024 - AVIGNON

THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER: Should deep-sea mineral resources be exploited? Restaurant Françoise, 6 rue du Gal Leclerc Avignon 8.30pm - 10.30pm Free admission With Sophie Gambardella, lawyer, CNRS research fellow, UMR DICE 7318, Aix-Marseille University and Christian Tamburini, oceanographer, CNRS research director, MIO UMR 7294, Aix-Marseille University The [...]

Café des sciences - "Journey to the centre of the earth" with Olivier Bellier and Jérôme Gattacceca

Join us on 17 October 2024 at 8.30pm at the Françoise restaurant for a Café des Sciences on the theme of "Journey to the centre of the earth". With Olivier Bellier, geologist by training, Professor at the University of Aix Marseille, Vice-President Science and Society; and Jérôme Gattacceca, geophysicist and geologist, Director of Research at the CNRS, specialists in the study of the [...]

Café des sciences - Fertility in question, with Professor Samir Hamamah

The global decline in fertility is a worrying phenomenon affecting many countries. In recent decades, the birth rate has fallen considerably, particularly in developed countries. With Professor Samir Hamamah, Head of the Reproductive Biology and Medically Assisted Procreation Department at the Centre Hospitalo-universitaire Guy [...]

Café des sciences: "Our brains: we're all a bit of a musician!

Friday 14 March at 8.30pm Restaurant Françoise, 6 rue du Gal Leclerc - Avignon Free admission Science café: "Our brains, we're all a bit of a musician! This science café is organised as part of Brain Week. GUESTS: Daniele Schon - Director of Research - [...]