Environment Week 2025
From 22 to 28 March - on the Avignon University campuses and on the Ile de la Barthelasse
Workshops, mobility challenge, cleanwalk, dramatised conference...
Programme :
Saturday 22 March :
- 10am to 12pm: Clean Walk from the Mairie Annexe on Barthelasse island with the BANG and ECO-Lab associations.
Monday 24 March :
Campus Hannah Arendt, room 0W33 :
- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. : Presentation of the Sustainability Master Plan #2 d'Avignon University
Then Performed conference What is eco-anxiety?written and staged by students in the M2 Theatre and Writing sandwich course. The 30-minute performance will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
Günter Anders wrote, not without reason: "We are not living in a period, but in a timeframe". Science has already posed the question of the climate crisis, relentlessly relayed by the media, but unscrupulously contested by certain sceptics and even conspiracy theorists. What role can art play in this context of anxiety-provoking tensions expressed by the body in the form of anguish and felt by the social body as powerlessness? - Followed by a Buffet by the café-librairie Yippee!
Hannah Arendt Campus, room 0W11 :
Two CEDER workshops on registration: sde2025@univ-avignon.fr
- 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. : Anti-gaspi cooking
- 1pm to 2.30pm: Zero waste
Jean-Henri Fabre Campus :
CLEAN CAMPUS - Campus clean-up with Avignon University students and staff. All equipment is provided.
- At 12 noon: Meet in front of the CROUS cafeteria at Agrosciences
- At 1pm: Meet in front of the IUT greenhouse
- registration (not compulsory) : https://evento.renater.fr/survey/cleanwalk-jean-henri-fabre-le-24-mars-2025-rv8urmqf
Tuesday 25 March :
Campus Hannah Arendt, Hall of the North Building and Thesis Room :
- From 9 a.m. : Dress sale free and open to all students, special Job Dating (shirts, dresses, trousers, jackets...).
Campus Hannah Arendt, park :
- 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. : ESCAPE GAME on trees and waste by ECO-Lab' Environnement
Wednesday 26 March :
Campus Hannah Arendt, room 0W33 :
- From 4pm to 6pm: PROJECTION "Terrain d'Entente"A film by Gaëlle Gasc, co-written with Etienne Amiet, a researcher at the Centre Norbert Elias.
Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, Kitchen garden Fabruleux Jean-Henri Fabre campus:
- From 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. : COOKING WORKSHOP on plant proteins by Jardins du Colibri
Thursday 27 March :
Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, room B020 :
Two CEDER workshops on registration: sde2025@univ-avignon.fr
- 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. : Anti-gaspi cooking
- 1pm to 2.30pm: Zero waste
Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, Amphi Agrosciences (and visio) :
- From 1pm to 2pm: MIDISCIENCES "Ants - From an essential link in ecosystems to biological invasions" by Romane BLAYA, MCF
The Thursday 13 March, at 1pm, attend the Midisciences "Carbon accounting: how the French could save the world, part 2" by Christophe Devaux, President of the Colibri association, which runs the shared student garden (more information HERE)
Jean-Henri Fabre campus, in front of the CROUS cafeteria :
- 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. : ESCAPE GAME on trees and waste by ECO-Lab' Environnement
Friday 28 March :
Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, IUT Amphitheatre :
- From 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. : Presentation of the Sustainability Master Plan #2 d'Avignon University
Then Performed conference What is eco-anxiety?written and staged by students in the M2 Theatre and Writing sandwich course. The 30-minute performance will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
Günter Anders wrote, not without reason: "We are not living in a period, but in a timeframe". Science has already posed the question of the climate crisis, relentlessly relayed by the media, but unscrupulously contested by certain sceptics and even conspiracy theorists. What role can art play in this context of anxiety-provoking tensions expressed by the body in the form of anguish and felt by the social body as powerlessness? - Followed by a Buffet by the café-librairie Yippee!
MOBILITY CHALLENGE - from 24 March to 7 April :
Avignon University launches 1st Mobility Challenge to raise awareness of sustainable development issues within the university community.
For two weeks and per teamIf you want to reduce the carbon emissions from your daily journeys, try out new, less carbon-intensive transport solutions.
How can you take part?
1. Put together a mixed team of 5 people with different mobility practices (cycling, walking, bus, car, etc.).
2. Register the group on the E-UAPV/Mobility Challenge area
The rules and conditions of participation are detailed there.
information : challenge-mobilite@univ-avignon.fr
Mis à jour le 13 March 2025