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[Café des sciences] "The brain as magician", by Jérôme Trouslard - Thursday 21 March 2024

21 March 2024: 8.30pm - 22h30

Restaurant Françoise6 - rue du Gal Leclerc - Avignon
8.30pm - 10.30pm
Free admission

Guest : Jérôme TROUSLARDProfessor of Neuroscience at Aix-Marseille University, Vice-Dean of Research and International Affairs at the Faculty of Science, researcher at the Timone Neuroscience Institute (INT UMR CNRS AMU 7289).

We approach the world around us through our senses. It is not our eyes that see, our noses that smell or our ears that hear, but our brains that process this sensory information and offer us their representation of reality. For each of us, this representation may be different and may also depend on our culture and our own history. These representations of the world can give rise to illusions that reflect the way our brain works. What are these illusions? Are these illusions conscious or unconscious? This is what neuroscientists are trying to understand.

The magician, on the other hand, transgresses the order established by the scientist. For thousands of years, they have cultivated the art of illusion and the art of exploiting the flaws in our brains to create alternatives to reality, to arouse our emotions or simply to entertain us.

What if scientists and magicians worked together to learn more about our brains?

The lecturer, who is sometimes a neuroscientist and sometimes a magician, will use an interactive and entertaining approach to illustrate how magicians and our own brains trick us and how magicians and scientists work together to gain a better understanding of how our brains work.

This science café is being organised as part of Brain Week.

>> Café des Sciences website

>> Brain Week


21 March 2024
8.30pm - 10.30pm
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