[Event] 22, 23 and 24 May: the Pint of Science festival returns to Avignon

Pint of Science returns to Avignon on 22, 23 and 24 May for the 2023 edition, in two Avignon bars: the Pipeline and the Gambrinus!
Come and hear scientists talk about their research in a relaxed setting.
No scientific knowledge required!

Avignon Université, a major partner of Pint of Science, will be well represented by its researchers at the event.
They will be presenting short, varied talks, accessible to all, on their research themes: museology (CNE), statistics (LMA), artificial intelligence (LIA), sport (LAPEC), fruit and vegetables (GAFL).

Events at Le Pipeline, 34 Cours Jean Jaurès 84000, Avignon, France :

22 May from 7.15pm to 9.30pm: "A night at the museum between the real and the virtual "

  • "Behind the scenes of virtual reality" with Allison GUIRAUD (Doctoral student at the CNE) and Bérénice KUBLER (Researcher at Aix-Marseille University)
  • "Journey into the Universe: real or virtual?" by Marion Parisis (Doctoral student at the CNE)

23 May from 7.15pm to 9.30pm: "Statistics are fantastic!

  • "How to predict randomness" by Alexandre MAKHLOUF (Doctoral student at the LMA)
  • "Statistics, the solution for untying brain knots" by Anna MELNYKOVA (Lecturer at the LMA)

24 May from 7.15pm to 9.30pm: "Sport, and how?

  • "By Matthieu Josse (Doctoral student at LAPEC)
  • "Bus or run, you don't have to choose" by Claire MAUFRAIS (Senior Lecturer at LAPEC)

Events at Le Gambrinus, 62 Rue Carreterie 84000, Avignon, France :

22 May from 7.15pm to 9.30pm: "Should we believe in dark matter?

  • "To be or not to be a (scientific) theory" by Jeremy ATTARD (Doctoral student at CORTECS)
  • "The magic of cosmology" by Anna NIEMIEC (Post-doctoral researcher at the LPNHE)

23 May from 7.15pm to 9.30pm: "Pesticide-free fruit: not so simple!

  • "Yesterday's and tomorrow's varieties to the rescue to build a pesticide-free orchard" by Morgane ROTH (Researcher at GAFL) and Marie SERRIE (Doctoral student at GAFL).
  • "The modern orchard, an environment not conducive to natural balance" by François WARLOP (GRAB engineer)

24 May from 7.15pm to 9.30pm: "AI: will reality surpass fiction?

  • "AI, from science fiction to reality" by Paul-Gauthier NOE (PhD student at the LIA)
  • "Is AI really good for you? by Pierre JOURLIN (Senior Lecturer at the LIA)

Please note that places are limited. >> Reservations

What is Pint of Science?
This festival to popularise research was held for the first time in London in 2012 and has gradually spread around the world, with 25 countries organising the event in 2022. The festival is now expanding in France, with some 40 cities scheduled to host it in 2023. Its aim is to popularise local scientific research in bars on a wide range of subjects (from neuroscience to social science, astrophysics, history, biology, psychology, etc.).

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