Conference - The major legal challenges of AI
Friday 4 April 2025 at 10am
Avignon University
Campus Hannah Arendt - city centre site
North Building - Room 2E07
Free admission I Videoconference link available on request :
The first round table in the "Law and Artificial Intelligence" series of conferences
will bring together specialists in private and public law to explore the major legal issues surrounding artificial intelligence. From the legal framework under construction to the implications for fundamental rights, via tort law and property law, this discussion will provide an in-depth look at the transformations underway and the prospects for the future.
Moderators :
- Thibault CARRÈRE, Senior Lecturer in Public Law, Avignon University
- Alice MORNET, Senior Lecturer in Private Law, Avignon University
- Sébastien CACIOPPO, contract lecturer in private law, Avignon University;
- Zoé Felici, doctoral student, Toulouse I Capitole University;
- Rym FASSI-FIHRI: Senior Lecturer in Public Law, University of Limoges;
- Sarah TABANI: contract lecturer in public law, Avignon University.
Understanding the impact of AI on the law
The "Law and Artificial Intelligence" lecture series aims to examine how the law is adapting to the transformation of the world brought about by artificial intelligence. The development of AI is revolutionising not only the content of legal rules, but also the way in which the law is delivered and taught. As such, this series of lectures aims to explore the way in which AI raises questions about the major legal categories of French law (public law/private law, liability systems, legal personality, the functioning of public institutions, etc.), as well as the implications of the gradual implementation of European regulations in this area.
To carry out this undertaking, it has been decided to tackle different themes linked to the legal apprehension of AI, in the form of round tables, thus encouraging dynamic and interactive exchanges. They will bring together researchers from Avignon University and experts from other universities, offering a diversity of perspectives and analyses. As such, they are fully in line with the 'Digital Societies' identity axis of Avignon Université's legal, political, economic and management sciences laboratory (JPEG, UPR 3788). They also fit in perfectly with the support provided to students specialising in digital law.
Mis à jour le 28 March 2025