Catégorie : News
Recruiting students for the new academic year
Mission: To welcome and support new students at the start of the 2023 academic year, which will take place from 1 to 8 September 2023. Applications to be sent before 30 June 2023 by e-mail. [...]
77th Festival d'Avignon / Patch Culture
As part of the partnership between Avignon Université and the Festival d'Avignon, 12 performances are open to the university community via the Patch Culture. To take advantage of this offer, you must [...]
Digital Economy Summer School 2023
8 June 2023
The next Digital Economy Summer School (3EN) will take place at the University of Avignon on 3 and 4 July 2023. The preliminary programme is now available. Find it in English on the website [...]
Avignon Université 2023 staff party
6 June 2023
Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to the 2023 staff party, which promises to be something special with some great new features in store. In addition to the traditional buffet lunch, you will [...]
Conference: Inclusion at work and non-discrimination: New discourse for new practices?
1 June 2023
Organised by Avignon University's Property, Norms and Contracts Laboratory and Strasbourg University's Employment Law Team (UMR DRES 7354), the conference was prepared by the University of Strasbourg's [...].
JPUI 2023 - Innovative University Pedagogy Day
15 May 2023
The next Journées de la pédagogie universitaire et innovante (JPUI) will be held on Friday 23 June from 9am to 5pm in the salle des thèses on the Hannah Ardent Campus. The programme [...]
conference-debate: Beyond the language barrier
15 May 2023
A conference-debate on multilingual theatre and theatre in a minority language. For our 2022 edition, the Printemps Anglophone, in collaboration with the ICTT research laboratory (Avignon, [...]
The master's degree in theatre and writing will be open to apprentices at the start of the 2023 academic year!
5 May 2023
It trains experts in dramatic, scenic and critical writing, as well as professionals capable of producing written work for the publishing, communication and media industries.
[Defence of thesis] 2 May 2023 - Sondes Abderrazek: "Speech intelligibility assessment using deep learning: towards greater interpretability in clinical phonetics", LIA
Research news
25 April 2023