Arts & Culture Days in Higher Education (JACES)

News Campus News 24 March 2025

From 31 March to 4 April 2025, Avignon Université, in partnership with local cultural organisations and student associations, is offering a programme of artistic and cultural events as part of the Journées des arts et de la culture (JACES). Concerts, exhibitions, workshops, theatre, cinema, etc. Come and enjoy this free, open-entry programme on campus or at one of our partners' venues.

Monday 31st March
11.30am/12.30pm - Cloister of the Hannah Arendt Campus
Theatre - L'homme seul - La Vie moderne company
Based on the testimonies of people they met on street patrols in Lyon, this play combines field experience (patrols, interviews) with historical research.
Performance followed by a discussion over refreshments
Registration form:

11h30/14h - Parc campus Hannah Arendt
Animation - Stand Patch Culture - Patch yourself and win tickets for shows with our partners
Activities - Théâtre du Chapeau Rouge stand - Enjoy activities organised by students and discover the artistic offerings of the Théâtre du Chapeau Rouge and the City of Languages Festival.

Tuesday 1st April
12pm/14pm - Parc Campus Hannah Arendt
Concert - Tremplin musical de l'Atypik festival par l'association
Discover the musical talents of Avignon's students and vote for your favourites
Entertainment - Introductory pétanque workshop and information and awareness stand run by the Pétud association
Come and discover the origins of pétanque and learn more about this local sport.

6pm/8pm - Restaurant Françoise
Events - Meetings with student associations and cultural organisations
Register at

Wednesday 2 April
2.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. - AT06
Encounter - University, a place for creation with Héloïse Biard, Amandine Fredon and Anthony Pastor
followed by the screening of "Filles & Femmes", a documentary film by Cloé Troesch and Fatine Belamine
Masterclass with the speakers
Register at

5pm - La FabricA
Performing arts - Public presentation of the programme for the 79th Festival d'Avignon
Watch live on

Thursday 3 April
11h30/14h - Maurice Aghulon Library
Activities - Angladon Museum stand
Come and discover the collections and exhibitions of the Musée Angladon, which will be open free of charge throughout the week of the JACES.

12.30/13.30 - Room 0W33
Music/Cinema - Ciné-concert in partnership with AJMI and the association les cinéfils et filles
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6pm/7pm - 0W33
Music - Interactive lecture on the Héritages concert with musicologist Elisabeth Hochard.
The symphonic repertoire is steeped in bloodlines and legacies. Musicologist Elisabeth Hochard will tell you some family stories.
Register with

8pm - Collection Lambert
Visual arts/performing arts - Nocturne de Tube à idées
Come and discover the exhibition Même les soleils sont ivres in a whole new way. The nocturne invites young artists from local schools and associations to take over the Collection Lambert for an evening.
Free admission

Friday 4 April
9.30am - Opéra Grand Avignon
Music - Dress rehearsal for Héritages
Alongside pianist Adam Laloum, the Orchestre national Avignon-Provence invites us to hear the spectacular concerto that Bach originally imagined for harpsichord and orchestra, and which resonates in a more spectacular and timeless way on the modern piano.
Register with

11.30 am - Aghulon Library Research Room
Theatre - End of residency for "Sables", a research project by Sam Cornu and Camille Protar, doctoral students
Writing and sound design based on texts by Marguerite Duras and Samuel Beckett
Register with

6.30pm - Grenier à sel
Digital arts - Opening of the "Sève élémentaire" exhibition
Designed as a vast laboratory, this exhibition by artist Fabien Léaustic combines scientific devices, experimental protocols and visual poetry to explore life and its origins on Earth.

All week long - Campus Hannah Arendt
Exhibition - photographs by Maurice Costa by the Masters in Theatre and Writing in partnership with the Maison Jean Vilar

All week long - Jean-Henri Fabre Campus
Participatory exhibition - photographs by Avignon Université students on the theme of "imaginary" - coordinated by Interasso Avignon

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