[MidiSciences 2023] "Jean-Henri Fabre, past and present" by Emile Laguna, President of the Association des Compagnons de l'Harmas et du Naturoptère - 6 April
Date(s) 06 April 2023From 13:00 to 14:00 VenueCampus Jean-Henri FabrePôle AgroscienceAmphi AgroOpen to all and available online here: On 6 April, Émile Laguna will present a [...]
[MidiSciences 2023] "Free energy in soils: Understanding plant resistance to water deficit", by Florian Cajot, PhD student UMR EMMAH 1114 - 30 March
28 March 2023
Open to all and to be followed online here: On 30 March, Florian Cajot will present a Midisciences on the theme: "Free energy in soils: a new way of [...]
BU 2023 survey
24 March 2023
From 27 March to 14 April, the University Library of Avignon is conducting a survey in order to better understand the practices, opinions, expectations and needs of users in terms of [...]
Family Planning clinics
Campus News
23 March 2023
Benefit from the listening and support of a marital and family counsellor on campus. The Family Planning will be present in the university premises on 22 and 29 March as well as in [...]
23 March 2023
Government aid for work-linked training has been extended for another year until 31 December 2023! As of 1 January 2023, the amount of aid will now be unique ➡️ 6000€ [...]
[Event] 31 March - Information session and methodological workshops - Arts, culture, humanities and social sciences in Horizon Europe
Research news
22 March 2023
Avignon University, in collaboration with Aix-Marseille University, the Southern Region, the CNRS, the IRD and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is organising a day of information and workshops on [...]
The BU d'Avignon is on Instagram!
22 March 2023
We will share photos and videos of BU Agulhon and Agroparc. You will discover:- practical information- book selections- presentations of our services- and surprises [...]
22 March 2023
On 17 March, the Sciences, Technologies, Health UFR of Avignon University organised its first Master's degree ceremony on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus, at the agrosciences centre. The 2022 graduates [...]
A great success for the Open Day of the IUT of Avignon University, this Saturday 28 January 2023
16 March 2023
It was a full house for the JPO of the IUT of Avignon University, which took place on Saturday 28 January 2023, from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm, on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus with [...]
[Health - Student Life] Information campaign on GHB
15 March 2023