Activation of the VIGIPIRATE "Urgence attentat" posture

News 15 October 2023

Message from the President of Avignon University

(sent on 15 October 2023 at 9.15am)

Dear Colleagues,

Dear students,

In view of the deteriorating situation in the Middle East and the terrorist attack that took place last Friday at a secondary school in Arras, the Prime Minister has decided to raise the VIGIPIRATE posture to the "Urgence attentat" level throughout France from 14 October 2023, until further notice.

Therefore, from tomorrow, in application of the VIGIPIRATE Plan, access to the university campus premises will be strictly reserved for the institution's staff (agents, teachers, lecturers, researchers, doctoral students, seconded students and trainees), students registered for the 2023-2024 academic year, CROUS agents and subscribers, subcontractors and service providers, guests and persons with express authorisation issued by the President or his representative.

In order to gain entry to the various sites, it will be essential for everyone to hold proof of identity (student card, proof of employment, ID, etc.). Visual checks will be carried out on bags, deliveries and vehicles.

Given the configuration of the premises on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus, the number of entrances to the buildings will be limited. On-site signage will be put in place to help locate access points (access map to the Agrosciences site / CERI and IUT access map).

The grounds and premises of both campuses (all sites, all buildings) will be open from 7.30am until 7.30pm, unless expressly authorised otherwise.

I am aware of the impact these constraints will have on our daily lives, and I would like to thank you in advance for your involvement in implementing these measures, so that we can get through this new ordeal in the best possible conditions.

Yours sincerely

Philippe Ellerkamp

President of Avignon University