[MidiSciences 2023] 20 April at 1pm: "Insects and humans: how to change our relationship with these animals in the face of global warming" by Joffrey Moiroux & Marie Perrin (IMBE)

Date(s) and venue(s) :

20 April 2023
From 13:00 to 14:00
Jean-Henri Fabre Campus
Agroscience Division
Amphi Agro

Open to all and to be followed online here: v-au.univ-avignon.fr/live/colloque/

Joffrey Moiroux and Marie Perrin will be presenting a Midiciences on the theme of "Insects and humans: how to change our relationship with these animals in the face of global warming".

Global warming is having a major impact on insects, the most diverse group in the living world. During this conference, we will look at the effects of temperature on their populations and the ecosystems in which they live, and see how we can change our practices to better manage crop pests and better protect non-problematic species.

Marie Perrin is currently an ATER at the University of Avignon and Joffrey Moiroux is a lecturer in biology (IMBE).

The lectures will be available for viewing
online on Canal U.
To follow them live, go here:

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