[SFTLV testimonial] Annie-Marie REBAGLIATO

1) Why did you choose this course?

The University Diploma in Professional Development Support (DU APP) is a rich, comprehensive and fast-paced course. What I like most of all is being able to help people find and keep jobs and to make them active players in their career paths. It's all about making a contribution by showing empathy and kindness. My job counsellor at the time inspired me to take up this profession, as I wasn't in it at all, and to do this training. She succeeded in passing on to me her passion and love for the profession.

2) What did you particularly like about the course?

Being able to combine practical experience, because I've been able to do work experience placements with integration projects and realise how important employment is in people's lives. It gives meaning to their lives and helps them to maintain or rediscover their social ties. The theory enables us to refine and perfect our knowledge of job-seeking techniques and tools, so that we can provide the best possible support to the various groups involved.

3) What are the advantages of a sandwich course?

To be able to take part in work placements and experience the realities of the field.

4) Why would you recommend this course?

This course is a springboard (meeting many people who are already in the business), building a network, putting you in a professional situation, rich theoretical courses with recent support methods (ADVP, MAPPI). It's a very comprehensive and rewarding profession, conducive to professional and personal development. We work with people, every situation is different, there's no such thing as routine.

>>> To find out more about the diploma.