Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC)

What is the CVEC?


CVEC is the Student and Campus Life Contribution. By law, it is collected by the Crous. This year the amount is €100.

As provided for in the ORE Actspecified by decreeThe aim is to create, consolidate and strengthen various services at your school and at the Crous in your education authority. Another decree specifies how it is to be organised.

  • For your health | Easier access to healthcare on campus and a revamped prevention policy > Reinforce the work of university health services in the field of sexual health (contraception, STI screening, etc.).
  • To promote social support > Strengthen the social action of institutions and Crous.
  • To support your initiatives > Funding more student projects and associations.
  • Developing sports on campus > Better year-round access to a wider range of sporting activities and events.
  • Bringing art and culture to life in higher education establishments > Access to concerts, exhibitions, cultural events and art workshops throughout the year.
  • To improve student reception > Developing support initiatives on campus, facilities to improve day-to-day life, etc.

This contribution is "intended to encourage the reception and social, health, cultural and sporting support of students and to bolster the preventive and health education actions carried out for them" (article L. 841-5 of the Education Code). Establishments must implement actions that meet the above-mentioned criteria.

Who is affected by the CVEC?

Students enrolled in initial training at a higher education establishment in France, for each academic year.

This does NOT apply to These include: students enrolled in BTS, DMA, accounting courses at secondary schools, continuing education courses (including sandwich courses), international exchange students in France (via programmes such as Erasmus+, as these students are enrolled at their home institution) and students enrolled for an HDR. If you are in one of these situations, you do not need to do anything about the CVEC.

Work-study Work-study students on apprenticeship contracts (part of initial training) are subject to the CVEC. Work-study students on professionalisation contracts (part of continuing education) are not subject to the CVEC.

CPGE For those enrolled in a CPGE (Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles), the procedure must be carried out as part of their "double enrolment" at university.

Exemption Exemption from the CVEC: you may be subject to the CVEC but be exempt from it. The following are exempt:

  • Grant holders on social criteria managed by the Crous or beneficiaries of an annual allowance granted as part of specific annual aid.
  • Grant holders managed by the regions (for students in paramedical, health and social care courses)
  • French government scholarship holders (BGF)
  • Refugee students (refugee status must be indicated on the residence permit)
  • Students benefiting from subsidiary protection
  • Students registered as asylum seekers who have the right to remain in France

Find out more on the Ministry's FAQ :

What projects are funded by the CVEC at Avignon University?

Participatory student budget (€15,000)

Financing part of the outdoor furniture on the Hannah Arendt campus

Installation of outdoor table tennis tables on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus

Creation of a rest room in the Maurice Aghulon university library (Hannah Arendt campus, project currently being finalised)

Training and risk prevention initiatives

Training for student associations and provision of risk prevention kits for festive events (breathalyser, glass protectors, earplugs, condoms, etc.).

Social aid and the fight against student insecurity

Financing of solidarity baskets with Avignon Town Hall, individual social aid and emergency aid (via the FSDIE), the C'est Réglé scheme to combat menstrual insecurity (financing of free, environmentally-friendly menstrual kits for students)...

Support for personal development and free sports activities

Back to school and welcoming international students

Health: free consultations with psychologists on campus

Culture: student artist residencies, cultural events and mediation around the Culture Patch

FSDIE social and FSDIE student initiatives

Student jobs