Principles of trade

Basic principles of exchange programmes

Students may only undertake a period of study in a foreign establishment with which Avignon Université has signed a cooperation agreement. Students remain enrolled at Avignon Université during their period of study abroad. They pay their usual tuition fees to Avignon Université and are exempt from paying tuition fees at the host university.

The study contract (list of courses to be taken abroad) is drawn up under the responsibility of the educational coordinator of the student's component or department at Avignon Université. Any subsequent modification of this contract must first be validated by Avignon Université.

Exchange students are full-time students who follow the same courses and are subject to the same assessments as local students. 1 semester = 30 ECTS credits or equivalent in the host university's local system.

The minimum length of a study period abroad is 3 months and the maximum 12 months. Students generally study abroad for one semester or one academic year (2 semesters).

Recognition of mobility :

The study agreement (Erasmus Learning Agreement for Erasmus+ mobility and Learning Agreement Outside Europe for others) is the central document for the recognition of a study period abroad. It is established on a full-time basis (30 ECTS credits for a semester and 60 ECTS credits for a full year). The results obtained abroad are transmitted by the host university and validated by the jury of the course in which the student is registered at Avignon University. Validated study mobilities are automatically recognised and mentioned on the students' transcripts, via the entry of semester equivalences mentioning "Exchange with a foreign country" accompanied by the name and country of the institution where the mobility took place.

Students who receive a grant keep their national grant during their period of study abroad, even if they also receive a mobility grant.

Attention These grants are not awarded automatically simply by going on a mobility trip. They are awarded by a committee that meets several times a year.

Choosing a destination

Information sessions are organised at the beginning of the semester in most departments.

  • For Erasmus destinations, each component or department has a certain number of places in partner institutions and organises the selection of its students.
  • For destinations outside Europe (America, Asia, Africa or Australia), the selection is made at university level. The SRI gathers the different applications and then selects the students, in close collaboration with the components or departments concerned.
Information on partner universities

You can visit the universities' websites for more detailed information or to access the online application forms for exchange students.

Think about asking foreign exchange students at Avignon University, whom you can contact through the student associations.

Nationality requirements

Exchange programmes are open to all students regularly enrolled at Avignon University, whatever their nationality.

Remember to check that your identity card or passport, depending on your destination, will always be valid for at least six months after the end of your stay abroad.