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What is Parcoursup?

Parcoursup is the national platform for pre-registration for the first year of higher education in France.


Who is affected by Parcoursup?

All secondary school pupils, apprentices and students wishing to enrol in the first year of higher education (Licences, BTS, DUT, CPGE, engineering schools, nursing schools, social work institutes, etc.). must put together an application and make their wishes known on Parcoursup.

This does not apply to :

  • students repeating a year (they must re-register directly with their institution)
  • international applicants subject to a request for prior admission (DAP)
  • candidates in continuing education

Find out more about the target groups

A simplified approach

The Parcoursup platform enables :

  • create your pre-registration file
  • find information on the different courses available in higher education: each time you select a course, its characteristics are displayed, including the knowledge and skills expected, intake capacity and the factors taken into account when examining applications
  • enter your wishes for further study without ranking them and complete your application with the information requested by the courses you have chosen
  • confirm your wishes so that they can be examined by the courses you have chosen
  • to receive offers of admission to courses and to respond to them within the deadlines indicated

Find out more about the Parcoursup stages

Information to help you make the right choices

For each course, you will find in Parcoursup :

  • the dates of open days or immersion days or weeks organised by the establishments that interest you
  • contacts for discussions with a course leader, a disability adviser or a student ambassador for the course requested
  • a detailed description: the organisation of courses, the pathways to success offered, success rates, job opportunities, intake capacities, information for applicants with disabilities, applicable scholarship rates, etc.
  • expectations: the knowledge and skills needed to succeed
  • general criteria for examining applications

This information is essential, as it will give you a better idea of the range of courses available, help you identify career opportunities and assess the relevance of your career choices.

Everything you need to know about the courses offered on Parcoursup