Internships and jobs

Information on the job market :

Information on the employment market in the region :

Setting up a business or activity :

  • Créo Vaucluse network to encourage business start-ups in Vaucluse
  • the association Warehouses in Vaucluse which helps students set up their own business
  • Business start-up assistance from the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • The business creation page of the Pôle-emploi
  • the business start-up agency PACE and the IRCE
  • The official portal for self-employed entrepreneurs
  • L'Adieassociation pour le droit à l'initiative économique (association for the right to economic initiative)
  • The Bpifrance and its national competition for innovative business start-ups
  • The national status ofstudent-entrepreneur according to the Higher Education and Research website

Job sites :

Internship websites :

Employment and disability :