
Avignon University fully plays the card of partnership with local authorities, such as the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, the Vaucluse Department, Greater Avignon and the City of Avignon.

The two identity axes of research and training, in the field of "Agro&Sciences" and "Culture, Heritage, Digital Societies", participate in the anchoring and good visibility of Avignon University.

Skills training, professional integration of graduates, technology transfer and innovation, economic development, as well as international attractiveness are all subjects that place Avignon University at the heart of the local authorities' issues.

Territorial issues and the University of Avignon

Under the sign of listening and long-term collaboration, these relations are governed by three bipartite agreements between d'Avignon University on the one hand, and the City of Avignon, the Department of Vaucluse and the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region on the other.

With the start of the 2015-2016 academic year, the 2015-2020 State-Region Plan Contract began. Our scientific policy has been refined and its resources strengthened with the completion of the Jean-Henri Fabre Campus.

The time has come to finalise the unanimous recognition of our two identity axes, "Agro&Sciences" and "Culture, Heritage, Digital Societies", to launch, on the one hand, the conversion of the former Faculty of Sciences, rue Pasteur, into a Creative Villa which will be delivered in 2023, and, on the other hand, the "3A" operation in conjunction with the INRAE. The transfer of our Mathematics laboratories to Agroparc is effective and that of Cardiovascular Pharm-Ecology will be in July 2021. We will continue to strengthen our partnerships with the CROUS Aix-Marseille-Avignon, the CNRS, the EHESS, the INRAE, the Avignon Festival and the "French Tech Culture" label.

An innovative site policy open to business

Every day, Avignon University develops its connections with the economic world, both through its student-entrepreneurs and its research laboratories, and through its positioning around the two identity axes. The first is reinforced by the activity of the 2,500 students present on the Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, which reinforces Avignon University's leading position as a research centre in the fields of mathematics, computer science, physics and biochemistry.

The CPER 2015-2020 supports this ambition and intends to support actions aimed at companies, researchers and students. The "3A" partnership project, led by Avignon University and INRAE, finances the creation of three technological platforms dedicated to environmental control for the fruit and vegetable sector, analytical biochemistry and human and animal physiopathology. This high-performance equipment represents an investment of 3 million euros for the benefit of university research in Avignon, collaborative activity on its Jean-Henri Fabre Campus and the economic development of an entire region.

The 2021-2026 CPER will contribute to further strengthening the achievements of the previous CPER and to accentuating the partnerships of AU in the territory, in particular to establish the thematic identity of the Jean-Henri Fabre Campus on a federating building complex.