Subjects taught

I work mainly in L3 SVT - Earth and Water Sciences, and within the master's degree in Hydrogeology, Soil and Environment as part of the following EU courses:
  • Geological mapping
  • GIS
  • Experimental methodology - Data analysis
  • Hydrogeology applied to karstic systems


Laboratory or team

UMR 1114 EMMAH - Mediterranean Environment and Modelling of Agrohydrosystems

Component and department

Hydrogeology Department
UFR Sciences, Technologies, Health

Research topics

Characterisation and modelling of karstic hydrosystems



  • Since 2012: Senior lecturer at the University of Avignon
  • 2011-2012: CNRS post-doctorate: Characterisation of the hydrodynamic properties of the unsaturated zone of karst. Contribution of geophysical techniques. Collaboration LTHE, EMMAH, HSM.
  • 2011: PhD "Sensitivity and uncertainty in karst hydrosystem modelling, Université Montpellier II
  • 2005-2007: Research Manager for SIEE
  • 2002-2005: Student at ENS Paris - Interuniversity Magistère in Earth Sciences (ENS Paris, University of Paris-Sud Orsay and Paris VI)
List of publications: see HAL

Further information

Head of education L3 SVT Earth and Water Sciences Visit our training website