Subjects taught

History of the Middle Ages.


Laboratory or team

UMR 5648 CIHAM - History, Archaeology and Literature of the Medieval Christian and Muslim Worlds

Component and department

CER History
UFR Humanities and Social Sciences

Research topics

Middle Ages, history of Italy, communes, nobility, principalities, officers, documentation, chancellery, Dante, Avignon in the Middle Ages, history of Savoy, cultural history.


Biography : Associated with the Ciham laboratory since 1997, Guido Castelnuovo was a member of the LLS (Langages, Littératures, Sociétés) EA 3706 laboratory, where he was head of the Territoire et sociétés project team and then director of the laboratory. He was appointed Professor of History of the Middle Ages at the University of Avignon in 2012, when he joined the CIHAM as a full member. He has been a member of the scientific committee of the journal Études Savoisiennes since 1995, and of the Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo (Rome) since 2006. Member of the editorial board of the journal L'Indice dei Libri del Mese (Italian equivalent of the Times Litterary Supplement) since 1989, and Reti Medievali ( since 2003. With O. Mattéoni (PR, Paris-I) at the LAMOP, he is responsible for the project "Étude comparée des structures et des sociétés politiques France-Italie (XIVe XVe siècles)". Finally, he is the supervisor of Carole Mabboux-Sutton's thesis (PRES "Université de Grenoble"), Cicéron et la Commune. And co-director of Nicolas Baptiste's thesis (director: Christian Guilleré, PRES "Université de Grenoble"), Les armes, armures et armuriers des Ducs de Savoie, d'Amédée VIII (1383-1451) jusqu'en 1563, d'après les documents comptables, l'iconographie et les collections d'armes. The question of the military identity of a medieval mountain principality, Savoy. Curriculum Vitae of Guido CASTELNUOVO Publications : Guido CASTELNUOVO's publications

Further information