Subjects taught

  • British civilisation
  • Art history
  • Translation


Laboratory or team

UPR 4277 ICTT - Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory

Component and department

Department of Anglophone Studies
UFR Arts, Letters and Languages

Research topics

  • 19th - 20th - 21st century aesthetics
  • In situ artistic practices
  • Art, territory and identity


Biography :

After completing a thesis in medieval studies at Paris IV, Laurence Belingard is currently working on the history of in situ artistic practices, in relation to issues of migration and identity.

1994: Agrégation in English
1999: Doctorate, University of Paris IV

For 4 years (2008-2012) Laurence Belingard was commissioned by the President of the University of Avignon to direct the "Scenographies of Territory" programme, which culminated in 2012 in the installation on campus of a so-called "perceptual" sculpture by the American land artist Nancy Holt (Avignon Locators 1972-2012), as well as the organisation of the conference "Staging the Land - site-specific creation and the issue of perception".