Subjects taught

Since 2010 at the Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse :
Science and Agrosciences doctoral school courses : 
  • Introduction to Spatial Statistics
  • Data Science
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and/or Life Sciences :
  • Probability and Statistics,
  • Statistics,
  • Data analysis,
  • Statistical tools (hypothesis testing).
DUT STID (Statistics and Business Intelligence) :
  • Estimation and hypothesis testing,
  • Areas of application in Spatial Statistics,
  • Descriptive statistics.


Laboratory or team

UPR 2151 LMA - Mathematics Laboratory

Component and department

Mathematics Department
UFR Sciences, Technologies, Health

Research topics

  • Spatial Statistics : marked spatio-temporal point processes (spatial analysis, estimation and modelling), conditional intensity forecasting using kriging, spatial structure of biodiversity, plant epidemiology.
  • Spatial Econometrics Definition and properties of indices for measuring economic concentration.
  • Location-allocation problems asymptotic convergence of optimal positions, measurement transport problem, heuristic algorithms for continuous and discrete optimisation, applications in econometrics.


Curriculum Vitae Research report Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals [9] Gabriel E., Opitz T. et Bonneu F. (2017). Detecting and modeling multi-scale space-time structures: the case of wildfire occurrences. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 158(3), 86-105. [8] Li S., Bonneu F.Chadoeuf J., Picart D., Gégout-Petit A. and Guérin-Dubrana L. (2017). Spatial and Temporal Pattern Analyses of Esca Grapevine Disease in Vineyards in France. Phytopathology, 107(1), 59-69. [7] Gaba S., Gabriel E., Chadoeuf J., Bonneu F.Bretagnolle V. (2016). Herbicides do not ensure for higher wheat yield, but eliminate rare plant species. Scientific Reports, 6, doi : 10.1038/srep30112. [6] Gabriel E., Bonneu F.Monestiez P., Chadoeuf J. (2016). Adapted kriging to predict the intensity of partially observed point process data. Spatial Statistics, 18, 54-71. [5] Bonnneu F. and Thomas-Agnan C. (2015). Measuring and testing spatial mass concentration with micro-geographic data. Spatial Economic Analysis, 10(3). [4] Magrini M.B., Bonneu F.Thomas-Agnan C. and Coelho S. (2011). Educational planning : a simulation approach for the creation or closure of school classes. Environment and Planning B : Planning and Design, 38, 595-615. [3] Bonneu F. and Daouia A. (2010). A mass transportation and the consistency of the empirical optimal conditional locations. Annals of Operations Research, 181(1), 159-170. [2] Bonneu F. and Thomas-Agnan C. (2009). Spatial point process models for location-allocation problems. Computational Statistic and Data Analysis, 53(8), 3070-3081. [1] Bonneu F. (2007). Exploring and Modeling Fire Department Emergencies with a Spatio-Temporal Marked Point Process. Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics (CSBIGS), 1 (2), 139-152.