Greater Avignon finances your car-sharing!

27 June 2024

Dear students and staff of Avignon University,

You can share your journeys between your home and Avignon University, as well as all your daily journeys, so you can reduce your carbon footprint, save on transport costs and avoid traffic jams.

This solution is particularly well-suited to people who work shifts or who don't have a car.

The 6 local authorities involved in this joint car-sharing scheme are :

  • Greater Avignon urban community
  • Gard Rhodanien conurbation community
  • Ventoux Comtat Venaissin Conurbation Community
  • Luberon Monts de Vaucluse Conurbation Community
  • Sorgues du Comtat Conurbation Community
  • Pays des Sorgues Monts de Vaucluse Community of Municipalities

Be part of this movement to more sustainable, user-friendly mobilityFind out how carpooling can transform your travel experience in Greater Avignon and beyond: Find all the practical information on the Greater Avignon website