International conference - Petrarch's sources: Places, legacies and resonances

News 26 April 2024

29, 30 and 31 May 2024
Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional du Grand Avignon
Théâtre Episcène (Avignon)
François Pétrarque Museum-Library (Fontaine-de-Vaucluse)

Free admission by reservation:

Papers will explore the resonance of the Sorgue from multiple perspectives: in its geological configuration, as a real place, and then in its symbolic, literary and sonic significance, as an energetic, poetic and musical environment that becomes an inexhaustible source of creation. This conference is part of a programme of cultural events as part of the Petrarch Year 2024.


Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional du Grand Avignon

13h30 - Home page

Moderator: Paola Ranzini

14h15 - Opening of the conference by Angelo Izzo, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Marseilles
14h30 - Introduction, Petrarch Year 2024by Elisa Barbessi
15h - Ève Duperray: The source of Vaucluse or the Petrarchan question of origins
15h30 - Valérie Gontero-Lauze, Élodie Burle-Errecade and Florence Boulc'h: Le manuscrit de Pétrarque, sources et
resources: from the illuminator's workshop to the digital escape-game
16h30 - Karl Kügle: Metaphors of water, (late-)medieval soundscapes, and Petrarch's progress from Provence
17h - Richard Trim: In search of regular musical patterns in Petrarchan metaphors

6.30pm - THEATRE SHOW Write like Petrarch!
Original dramaturgy by Christiane Decerle, directed by Éric Lindivat and Christiane Decerle
At the Théâtre Episcène (Avignon)

François Pétrarque Museum-Library (Fontaine-de-Vaucluse)

9h15 - Garden of the Musée Pétrarque - words of welcome from elected representatives over breakfast

Moderator: Franco Piperno

10h - Stefano Campagnolo: Le fonti del Petrarca dei musicisti del Rinascimento
10h30 - Cecilia Luzzi: Petrarca in musica nel repertorio madrigalistico fra tradizione dotta fiamminga e eredità del canto alla lira' (Petrarch in music in the madrigalistic repertory between traditional fiamminga and the eredità of alla lira song)
11h30 - Jorge Morales: "Voi ch'ascoltate in rime sparse il suono": Poetic imagination and musical expression of Petrarch's Canzoniere in the books of monodies (1609-1621) by Sigismondo D'India
12h - Marie-Hortense Lacroix: From the time of Pétrarque's rivers to Monteverdi's "tempo of the soul": a meditation on the inner time of the musician and the human being
14h - Visit to the Museum, the natural site and the Sorgue chasm

Moderator: Eve Duperray

15h - Florence Gétreau: Helicon and Parnassus, springs and fountains, Muses and musicians: images of happy inspiration in the shadow of Petrarch
15h30 - Floriana Calitti : Fountain of Vaucluse from locus amoenus to locus inferni

8pm Concert by the Concerto Soave ensemble
At the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional du Grand Avignon

Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional du Grand Avignon

9h - Home page

Moderator: Florence Bistagne

9h30 - Sara Moccia: In dialogo con le fonti: prosopopee acquatiche nel Tasso lirico
10h - Michela Lagnena: Petrarch's legacy in the love poetry of Étienne Pasquier
11h - Nathanaël Eskenazy: "Tender love! My happiness depends on you alone". Autour de Laure et Pétrarque: mise en scène et quête du bonheur dans trois œuvres vocales françaises de la seconde partie du XVIIIe siècle.
11h30 - Daniela Vitagliano: Petrarchan resonances in Pavese's work
12h Conclusion by Elisa Barbessi

View the programme in PDF format