recruitment of junior professorships - cpj

Avignon Université is diversifying its recruitment of junior researchers and is launching a call for applications for 1 junior professorship. Come and join us!

Junior professorships (CPJ) are intended for researchers in the first part of their careerwith strong potential for managing and leading research teams, and the ability to participate in national, European or international projects. - (Decree no. 2021-1710 of 17 December 2021)

Conditions to be met

  • There are no age or nationality requirements;
  • As part of its diversity policy, all positions are accessible to people with disabilities, with special arrangements for tests made necessary by the nature of the disability;
  • The following are eligible to apply: holders of a doctorate or equivalent diploma or candidates with equivalent scientific qualifications and work;
  • Junior profiles with the potential to manage and lead research or with at least 6 years' research experience are encouraged.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted exclusively online via the GALAXIE ministerial application (FIDIS module) / Application procedures: application must be sent exclusively on line GALAXIE (module FIDIS)

Please download the Application Form / Please download your application file

We recommend that you do not wait until the last few days before submitting your application.
/It is recommended not to wait until the last few days to file your application


Applications open: 18 March 2024, 10 a.m. (Paris time)/ Opening of application: March 18, 2024, 10 AM, Paris time

Deadline for applications: 17 April 2024, 4pm (Paris time)/ Deadline for submitting application: April 17, 2024, 4 PM, Paris time

Composition of the file

The list of compulsory documents to be provided is set out in the Order of 6 February 2023, available on the GALAXIE portal.

  1. Online application form

2. Photo ID

3 A document attesting to possession of a doctorate, as provided for in article L.612-7 of the Education Code, or of a diploma whose equivalence is recognised in accordance with the procedure set out in 1° of article 5 of the Decree of 17 December 2021.

4. The defence report for the doctoral thesis or equivalent diploma or a certificate from the establishment stating that no defence report has been drawn up.

5. Completed CPJ application form (to be filed in the title and work section of the documents filed in the FIDIS module of the GALAXIE application))

6 . An analytical presentation of the works, books, articles, achievements and activities related to the profile of the post in question, mentioning those that the candidate intends to present at the audition.

7. A copy of each of the works, books, articles and projects mentioned in the analytical presentation and which the candidate intends to present at the audition, not exceeding six documents.

Documents (2, 3, 4) written in whole or in part in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation into French, the conformity of which the applicant certifies on his honour. Failing this, the application will be declared inadmissible. 

Any application that is incomplete by the submission deadline will be declared inadmissible.

Content of the file

The list of mandatory documents to be provided is defined by the decree of 6 February 2023. It is available on the GALAXIE portal.

1. Application form entered online
2. Identity document with photograph
3. A document attesting to the possession of a doctorate, as provided for in article L.612-7 of the Education Code, or a diploma whose equivalence is recognized according to the procedure set out in article 5 of the December 17, 2021
4. Defense report of the doctoral thesis or, when relevant, of the diploma whose equivalence is recognized, or a certificate attesting no report have been etablished
5. Completed application form for a chair of junior professor (to be submitted in the section " titles and works " of the application GALAXIE/FIDIS).
6. Analytical presentation including work, books, articles, achievements linked with the job offer mentioning those presented during the interview

7. Work, books, articles, achievements presented during the interview (no more than 6)

Documents (2; 3 and 4) written in a foreign language in whole or in part must imperatively be translated into French. The candidate will attest in compliance on honour. Otherwise the file will be declared inadmissible.

Any incomplete application will be declared inadmissible.

Job listings

GalaxySectionBodyNature and purpose of the call for research and teaching projects Provisional dates 1st meeting CommitteeProvisional audition dateDate of appointmentSelection Committee
422922PRToxicities and Citizenship (ToxCit): Rethinking public protection in the light of environmental crises29 or 30 April 2024 17 May 202402 September 2024Composition
GalaxySectionBodyNature and Purpose of the Call for Research and Teaching ProjectsProvisional dates 1st meeting committeeProvisional date for intervieuwStart dateselection commission
422922PRToxicities and Citizenship (ToxCit): Rethinking Population Protection in Light of Environmental Crises29 or 30 April 202417 May 202402 September 2024Composition

If you have any problems, please write to

- Contact: Francoise Mazel - Caroline Balas