Conference: Women's rights in the world of work

News 6 March 2024

Friday 8 March 2024, 1pm to 4pm
Campus Hannah Arendt / South Building - Amphitheatre AT05

To mark International Women's Rights Day, the Avignon Bar Association and the Law Department of the UFR DEG invite you to a conference on women's rights in the workplace.

After a historical review of the development of women's rights in the workplace, we will look at issues such as precarious work, gender inequality and moral and sexual harassment.

Organised in the form of a round table, the conference will provide an opportunity to take stock and debate these important issues.

Programme :

  • "Women's rights in the world of work: from simple protection to guaranteeing equality" by P. Partyka, Senior Lecturer at the University of Nîmes
  • "Le droit androcentrique du travail" by B. Gomes, Senior Lecturer at Avignon University
  •  "Employment law and women: what does the law say? what do companies do and what do judges think?" by B. Anav, Lawyer at the Avignon Bar

Registration only for non-university students: